I just remembered once I was applying for a course and had a personal interview 
with the governor who had the power to say yeah or nay. He looked at my 
application and asked about the person who was my governor recommendation - 
asked if she was a governor (just to make sure I guess.) He just about shit on 
himself and fell all over me approving my application when I told him my 
recommending governor was actually a Minister of the Age of Enlightenment. True 

Dunno whatever happened to the Minister level of the Movement - it didn't last 
long. I mean not like the Ministers of this department or that department but 
there was at one time a step up from governor training to Minister Training. 

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Day in the Life (of A TM'er)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :
Thanks Sal and in fact it was the elitism I watched building in the Movement 
after the advent of the TM Siddhi Programme, especially after there came to be 
lots of Governors coming off the 6 month courses that directly inspired that 
bit of writing. 
Oddly enough I didn't really see the elitism catch on till after Marshy 
revealed what they were doing on the 6 month courses. Then the Governors could 
be properly arrogant around the plebeian non-siddhis initiators and
us meditators were relegated to the status of worms. 
Worms, LOL. Bet you didn't see that coming when you started on the highest path!
It used to really fucking annoy me when I had to leave the room during meetings 
because the "governors" wanted to talk, like they had some big secrets we mere 
mortals couldn't understand! I was working there for crissakes, how can you 
have a management structure so inefficient? No wonder we failed, but that's 
probably not the only reason I suspect...
=They all wanted me to do TTC for some reason, glad I resisted but I doubt they 
would've accepted me, I thought SCI was a crock and that's probably not the 
best start.... 

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday,
August 18, 2014 2:23 PMSubject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Day in the Life (of A 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <sharelong60@...> wrote :
Michael, it's simply that I don't know any TM govs who live this way. 
The bit about mixed marriages was inspired, proper funny. I've met siddha's who 
don't like mixing with mere meditators and think they are wasting their lives. 
I can't imagine what the rarified heights of governorship must do to a flabby 
So I couldn't even think of your piece as satire. Maybe revisionist history?
I saw it more as a send up of how TM wanted to be rather than how it ended up.
On Monday, August 18, 2014 11:37 AM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
God damn! Something is bad wrong with you if that's your take away on this! 
Can't wait to see what you think of Part 2 and 3.

 From: "Share Long sharelong60@... [FairfieldLife]" 
To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Day in the Life (of A TM'er)

This reminds me that what was totally courageous and creative and compassionate 
about what Maharishi did, is that he took steps to bring a rich spiritual life 
to householders. Gratitude...  

On Sunday, August 17, 2014 8:02 PM, "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... 
[FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

A Day in the Life (of
a TM'er)
Governor wakes up, but in fact he has not been asleep having
witnessed his sleep all night long and we all know that witnessing sleep is the
acid test of conscious awareness.

He gets up, stretches and doesn't look at his wife or touch
her since it is the first day of her "resting time."

Governor goes to the bathroom, feeling total bliss in his
body and preforms his morning ablutions. He sits on the toilet and lets fly. 
he takes his Maharishi Ayurveda™ triphala every night one hour before bed with
warm water he is always ayurvedically regular.

He gets up, performs his oil massage and goes downstairs to
make himself a cup of dosha specific tea. Normally the little woman would have
made it already, but today being the first day of her "resting cycle"
it would sully the vibrations of the tea for her to touch it or even think of it
so Governor does it herself.

He sits thinking blissful thoughts, watching the squirrels
and birds talk to each other. At a certain point he opens the window so he can 
what they are saying, he having received the sutra for understanding the
language of animals. No matter what they say, the sounds create waves of bliss
in Governor's awareness.

"Can I come down yet, honey? I'm hungry." Comes the
plaintive wail from his missus.

"Nooo, you know I am not supposed to see you or touch
you before noon today. What would the vaidyas think?" Governor says with
some irritation (but of course it couldn't have been real irritation, not from
such a sattvic fellow. It must have just appeared as irritation for his wife to
work out some of her karma with.)  "Just
wait a bit. I'm almost finished."

Missus maintains a respectful silence and waits her turn in
the kitchen. He could fix her something to eat, but focusing on her in her
condition might sully his own vibrations, and of course one's state of
awareness is the most important thing.

Governor gets up and goes out on the east facing deck. It is
such a nice morning, mild and sattvic that Governor decides to do asanas on the
deck. Each posture is bliss, as is the pranayama that come after. The birds and
squirrels are still chattering and the sounds are bliss. Governor gets up and
goes inside to change into program clothes. It is just about programme time.

The missus hears him coming in and respectfully (and
properly) moves off so he can't see her. Gov goes upstairs and slips on his
programme gear. Fawn colored pants, matching fawn slip-over shirt, all made of
vedically grown organic cotton, grown in India. The rumors of the farmers who
grow the Maharishi Cotton™ being poor even in some cases destitute are just
that of course, rumors.

Gov sighs as he puts on his fawn colored sandals – he wishes
he could wear white, but that of course, is reserved for the rajas. Dressed
Governor stops by the herbal cabinet on his way out to take his daily dose of
amrit. The sweet slightly spicy taste was heaven on his tongue. At $30.00 a 
it is a blissful bargain. The rumors of the herb gatherers in India being 
and abused by their Movement masters were of course, just that, rumors.

Governor walks past the bhramasthan, lifts his car keys from
the hook next to his east facing main home entrance and steps out onto the
porch of his perfect Maharishi Vastu Veda™ home.  Governors from all over the 
neighborhood are
exiting their east facing homes and climbing into their cars. Governor starts
the engine and it roars to life. 

The noise of all the gasoline powered engines
starting all over the neighborhood is deafening. Gov regretted having to give
up his made in Fairfield all electric car, but the city council, all governors,
had passed an ordinance some years ago, banning electric and hybrid cars. The 
that Girish Varma owned large shares of several oil and gas companies were of
course, just rumors.

As he drove out of his neighborhood, Gov pretended not to
see a certain TM governor waving as he passed him coming out of a side street.
Thank God that man did not live in his neighborhood. It was true, he was a
governor, but the man had married a siddha, and Gov just did not believe in
mixed marriages. 

The property values of the vastu homes in the other governor's
area had fallen after his mixed marriage was revealed. Gov shook his head as he
thought of it. Some people just didn't get it, they just weren't a hundred
percent committed to a peaceful, just and sattvic world. 

Of course the thoughts
just drifted across the background of sat chit ananda, they didn't sully at all
his state of enlightenment.

It was a blissful ride to the Dome. Tree lined streets, all
the homes facing the same way, siddhas coming out of siddha neighborhoods,
governors from governor neighborhoods, Surya the sun god was shining merrily in
approbation of the stream of peace creators wending their way to the Domes.

Governor parked in his east facing parking slot and leisurely
walked to the Dome. As he walked the siddhas properly gave way to him and the
other governors, just as they themselves gave way to the rajas. The rajas were
walking slowly, sedately as usual. No one complained that they were holding up
the line going into the Dome, for they were rajas after all.

Gov lowered his gaze as he approached the back of the raja
line. He did this to help take his attention away from his feelings of anxiety,
frustration and jealousy. He had wanted to be a raja from the time he first
heard of the High Ones. He did not have the million dollars then, but later he
did, but that was after the raja course fee had been raised to 10 million
dollars, US. He remembered begging Bevan for an exception and had offered his 
life savings, 1.3 million but Bevan had just laughed and said "It's not a
proper boy's club unless we can keep the hoi polloi out now is it?"

But of course his rage, anxiety, disappointment and
depression was merely surface emotions. They did nothing to dispel the ever
present bliss in his awareness. Or so the TM Siddhi administrators told

The walkway to the Domes were lined with the
lesser angels who were there celebrating the siddhas, governors and rajas who
were there to maintain the balance of harmony and sattva in the land. Two large
guardian angels were standing on either side of the door as Governor entered
the Dome and took his place. Not up front in the premier seating with the rajas,
no of course that would not do, nor in the crummy seating area reserved for
mere siddhas. Not that there was anything WRONG really with siddhas, but they 
governors, after all.

The Great Archangels were hovering in the air in the middle
of the Dome as cherubs flew about singing siddha and governor praises. The
presence of the angels and Archangels and their fabulous energy made Governor
forget his stress over not being a raja. He settled down to listen to aged
Bevan, still large and regal make the announcements prior to the morning's

End of Part One

        • Re... nablusoss1008
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