Richard, your comment here about being either bound or free is pretty profound. 
Can we not be both? A favorite book title I've shared before: Freedom Doesn't 
Mind Its Chains.

On Monday, August 18, 2014 3:15 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

On 8/18/2014 12:51 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

>Much to think about as always. I like the idea that everyone thinks they see 
>the truth, letting go of that is an essential first step. I think I have a 
>well functioning bullshit detector, but is that the case? We need some sort of 
>framework to stay sane but hopefully one that doesn't dismiss the potentially 
>It works!
>Learning TM changed my life, but not in the advertised way. Life has always 
>been good and I've always been thrilled just to be alive and feel the rain. 
We are all either bound or free. If bound, by what means can we free
    ourselves? If we are already free, why would we need a yoga or a
    meditation technique? 

Where does it go from here? Finding that out is the best bit.
Here is the framework for your non-functioning bullshit detector. I
    hope it is useful - it works for me:

"What I'm talking about is slowly lifting up off the sofa and
in midair for two to three minutes. Or stepping up off the ground in
the desert and then flying around several feet above the ground for
while." - TurquoiseB

---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote : 
>I think it is rather difficult to parse out the 'Biggest Most Meaningful Event 
>in your entire lives!!!'= 
>For me learning TM was a significant event in light of subsequent events. But 
>several years before, an event occurred that eventually led to TM, and I think 
>that prior event was more significant. As every event is interconnected to 
>other events, it is somewhat arbitrary to say exactly which one might have 
>been the linchpin of the whole thing.
>=If one wants to trace events, the Big Bang could be said to have started it 
>all, assuming that idea is true. Awakening could be considered a big event, 
>but it is not meaningful because it is beyond the ability of thought to parse, 
>and it is just a passing experience that illuminates life, but its 
>implications turn out to be more useful over time than the actual experience, 
>grand as it might have been — a blip of insight, but a blip nonetheless. To 
>lift your finger requires the entire history of the universe behind it if one 
>thinks in terms of time and space and significance. So how would you choose? 
>Satire and humour show us things that our conditioning would otherwise blind 
>us from seeing.
>By the way if you are chagrined that means you are 'distressed or embarrassed 
>at having failed or been humiliated'. I think of the TMO as an intellectually 
>challenged organisation and it has a lot of behavioural faults, in my opinion, 
>and it acts with a cult mentality born of its religious roots. TM served me 
>well for many many years, but its utility has reached the end of the road for 
>the most part.
>Yesterday I took a hike through the nearby forest. The result of mine however, 
>is classified. It was a nice description you made though, of the hike you made 
>yesterday. Why is it that everyone seems to think that what they think is 
>true? If the world is illusion, why not play in the sands of time, what is so 
>significant about that? If you have reality surely what others say cannot 
>bother you that much.
>I put an equal sign between paragraphs in case Neo is continuing its removal 
>of paragraph spacing. 
>---In, <fleetwood_macncheese@...> wrote : 
>I am chagrined for the three or four of you, who are into this.  
>Dim dreams and fantasies of old geezers. Do you guys really care about all of 
>this, still? I thought the big thing around here was to demonstrate 
>"mindfulness" and "being in the now" and "not being a cult member", and here 
>you all are delighting in this detailed satire of what appears to be the 
>Biggest Most Meaningful Event in your entire lives!!! TM and the TMO. 
>Seriously? Making fun of all the tired, spider-webby crap? Haven't moved on, 
>one bit, biggest damned thing that happened to any of you -  
>What do you people do the rest of the time, watch the grass grow, or work 
>crossword puzzles? You guys live in three different countries, with all the 
>creativity and adventure that conjures up, and instead, you sit and drool over 
>long ago memories, of the TMO, and tilting at absent windmills. 
>Enjoy that nursing home in your head, MJ, Sal, Anytax, and Barry - It looks 
>like they have early check-in... 
>---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote : 
>This is priceless, up there with Barry's best productions. 
>---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote : 
>A Day in the Life (of a TM'er)
>Governor wakes up, but in fact he has not been asleep having witnessed his 
>sleep all <snip>

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