In the desert there's no place to run and no place to hide. U.S. firepower
will pick off every jeep, fore-runner and Toyota on the road between Mosul
and Damascus. All the ISIS oil terminals will be destroyed - there will no
fuel, no food, nothing will get in or out.

The ISIS-controlled area will be marked off for destruction.

In a few years a wall will be built around the entire Middle East - it will
all be a future Gaza Strip - cut off from the rest of the world - no
flights in and no flights out - except for drones in the sky.The terrorists
are doomed if Hillary is the next U.S.President. I predict.

On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 5:16 PM, [FairfieldLife] <> wrote:

> Richard,
> Whether you like it or not, the US is at war with another group.  ISIS
> must be taken out of Iraq first before any of the other parts in the plan
> can be implemented.
> For the time being, the Assad government should be a US friend while ISIS
> is still alive and well in Iraq and Syria.  Once ISIS is eliminated, the
> relationship would dramatically change.
> But, at the same time, Obama has the option to take out the ISIS leaders
> in Syria if the opportunity presents itself.  One big bomb could wipe out
> their leaders if they are housed in one building.
> ---In, <punditster@...> wrote :
> ---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :
> Emptybill,
> That scenario you're imagining is a bit extreme.  The jihadists' agenda in
> Syria is very much in flux.  They could change at any moment.  It is very
> likely that ISIS will disappear and simply blend in with the rest of the so
> called friendly rebels.
> In that case, they would be unified in fighting the Assad government.  And
> they could possibly win, especially if the US supplied the weapons that are
> intended to defeat ISIS.
> IMO, the existence of ISIS is now severely threatened since all of the
> Arab nations and the rest of the world are heavily against it.  It would be
> best for them to conveniently disappear and fight another day after Assad
> is toppled.
> If not, Obama will hunt its leaders with drones and special forces
> commandos similar to what he did with Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.
> The situation is complicated. Apparently there is not a single country on
> the planet willing to send in military boots on the ground to fight ISIS
> in Iraq, except the Kurds. What we need to remember is that we are dealing
> with Islamic fundamentalists of one strip or another - all one family,
> according to Sam Harris.
> There will probably NOT be any military action taken by NATO or anyone
> else against the ISIS, even after the ISIS strikes their own country. We
> are familiar with this based on previous engagements where the U.S. pays in
> money, blood, sweat and tears for almost the entire defense budget of
> Europe and the Far East.
> There may come a time, and probably sooner than later, when the U.S. will
> not be willing to fight everyone's battle for them anymore.
> ---In, <emptybill@...> wrote :
> "This pact complicates the scenario in fighting ISIS. Its probably not a
> good idea to arm the so-called friendly rebels at this time."
> Doesn't matter.
> Islamic State will attempt to convene an "Islamic Caliphate" to establish
> regional lordship over Muslim countries. They will then come back home to
> further "educate" us into real Islam - like they are doing now - by
> following their genocidal prophet.
> American Muslim jihadi-s are going through Turkey to get through to the
> Syria/Iraq border. That means no passport stamps are necessary, so they
> just appear to us as East-European travelers.
> Wait until the jihadi shooters unload their hollow-points into the crowds
> at a football game, music concert or else go blow-up a big metro hotel. 
> Mothers
> Against Murdering Muslims will demand a police state and people will
> happy to comply - just to feel safer.
>  We will be one step closer to The Other Final Solution - Nuking Mecca.
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