John, I'm not sure that jihadists driven to such horrific acts will cave in due 
to their own vileness. And certainly not in response to the world's censure. 
They LIVE FOR that censure. imo.

On Monday, September 15, 2014 11:29 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 
<> wrote:


That's too extreme.  Non-combatants will be killed along with the hard core 
criminals.  I don't believe the world would accept that solution.

The ISIS militants are already feeling the world opinion against their 
ideology.  They will eventually cave-in due to their own vileness.

Once the Iraqi forces take back their towns and lands, ISIS will be surrounded 
in their homeground in Syria by forces that are against them.  It's possible 
that Assad's forces could wipe them out first.

If not, Obama could start bombing their weapons and equipment to further 
degrade ISIS.  But this could also create international furor for attacking a 
sovereign land in Syria.  Assad would complain, but he would be secretly 
rejoicing in that the Americans are attacking his own enemy.

---In, <jedi_spock@...> wrote :

You want my advice? A single neutron bomb would be enough to 
wipe them out. The infrastructure will remain intact.

These people are savage bandits. There is no other way out 
of this.

--- <jr_esq@...> wrote :

Actually it would be easier for the Iraqi forces to retake the towns that the 
ISIS militants have occupied after the US bombs the ISIS equipment, weapons and 

However, it's another scenario in Syria itself.  At this time, I would assume 
Assad's forces are more likely to finish the job after the US bombs the ISIS 
stronghold, equipment and weapons.  If they don't, the so-called friendly 
militants would take control and Assad's power will more likely be degraded.

The soldiers that are flying the drones can see fairly well through the
cameras from as far as 5 to 6 miles away.  They can pick out enemy


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