---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 You are reiterating that other guys argument.  "It violates the laws of 
biology, or metabolism, so it must be false.  There are no unexplained events, 
and so, on that basis, I declare it impossible"


 Impossible! This is the third time I've caught you putting words in my mouth. 
If you have evidence that a regular intake of food and water is optional I want 
to hear it.


 I believe that is called "appeal to authority", which is fine, except it 
ignores that the study appeared to be conducted in somewhat rigorous fashion.  
So, there is another authority weighing in here.  So, not sure why your "appeal 
to authority", should be given more credence.   Do you?

 What part of "I convert for evidence" don't you get? A you tube video posted 
by Nabby may convince you that some major reworking of the laws of nature has 
happened but I clearly have higher standards of evidence.


 It's more an appeal to experience than it is to authority, have you ever been 
hungry? Did your brain magically create a nectar for you to eat? How did his 
body rejuvenate itself? Don't take these to be niggling flies in the buttermilk 
of belief, if god intervened then so be it. There's a first time for everything.

 I have related here, previously my own experience of a siddhi.  It didn't 
occur using Pantanjali's Yoga Sutras and did not happen in any TM context.  But 
it happened, and I suppose it violated the known laws of physics, but 
nonetheless, I experienced it.

 No doubt, you or others would find a way to dismiss it.  Would that bother me? 
 Not at all.


 Does it make me a believer in woo woo?  Not at all.  It was just an experience.

 I don't know it might make you a believer in a poor quality explanation or 
interpretation for what happened but I don't recall reading it, do tell it 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Given that there are plenty of ways he could be cheating I know where I'm 
going to put my money.


 Sure, what interested me was that the environment seemed to be controlled.  I 
suppose it could be a case of deception, but I haven't looked into it to see if 
there are accusations of that sort.  And of course, that can be a somewhat an 
easy out.  "It seems impossible, so there must be some deception going on"  

 Hardly a "get out", stupid to think otherwise, have you ever been hungry for 
more than a day? It's all you need to know, apart from the obvious things like 
knowing about long term metabolism requirements etc. You sound like you have 
none of the background knowledge everyone else does, or at least that you think 
it might be optional.

 The below isn't one of them I'm afraid as there is nothing unusual or contrary 
about it other than it appears counter to our expectations drawn from the sort 
of things we usually run into. Supercooled helium isn't a day-to-day occurrence 
and it isn't defeating gravity in any way. Nor has anything else anyone has 
ever come across, apart from anecdotally and what are we to make of that?


 Well, that is what I am saying.  Right now, the relationship between body and 
akasha and the lightness of cotton fiber could not result in levitation because 
it would appear to violate the laws of gravity.  But if somehow, someone 
levitated by utilizing that formula, then we suddenly modify our understanding  
of how gravity would work in that situation.

 Modify it? Chuck it in the bin along with everything else we know. That's a 
pretty hopeful analogy to the helium behaviour anyway, that was waiting to be 
discovered given the right circumstances, what you are saying is that there are 
some words that might be magical if they are spoken internally when the brain 
is in a particular neurological state. That doesn't sound like some hidden 
principle to me as there are all sorts of spells that people try that don't 
work either and it isn't like there aren't thousands doing yogic "flying" twice 
a day without ever actually floating. Whereas the supercooled helium behaviour 
happens every time the experiment is carried out. This is because it is a LAW 
and can be depended upon. Laws are descritptions of what the world does, I 
think it's safe to say that Marshy's "flying" technique is exactly the opposite 
just look at all the hilarious caveats that have to be introduced to explain 
why it doesn't work. It's bad science by definition.

 I wait as patiently as ever for the paradigm shift of the ages to start. Over 
to you in the domes.....


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 I didn't use the word hogwash, bullshit would be closer to it anyway. This guy 
in Australia was caught out, there was no magic going on. I don't know why 
people not eating would be a sign of anything great anyway, it's the sort of 
thing I'd avoid in a guru. I like my chips and gravy too much to be impressed 
by thinness. But the lure of magic is enough for a lot of people I suppose, 
it's always interested me, I'm an eternal optimist but becoming rather 
sceptical these days.


 Wait a second.  What does it matter if you think it's silly?  

 Where did I say that?

 That has nothing to do with it.  What has everything to do with it, is that it 
is, on the surface, impossible.  I did a quick search to try to find some 
deception about it.  This guy below states, "It's a fraud, because I say it 
is".  He doesn't cite any obvious deception.  His says, "I am a (self 
proclaimed)  authority on such matters, and I declare it to be a deception"  

 Self proclaimed? Probably just a human being who understands the relationship 
between food and staying alive. Maybe you missed that and think food is desired 
by the body simply for its taste?

 Consider the thing I posted about the replacement of body cells, the atoms in 
our bodies are replaced by atoms from food. This guy must have the same cells 
in his body that he had 70 years ago and yet he looks like he's aged! Unless 
kids are a bit wrinkled looking in India. This magical nectar must be great 
stuff, can't wait to see a breakdown of its composition and explanation of how 
it appears in his body via superstring theory. 

 One thing I think we can be sure of is that magic always turns out to be 
something mundane that we didn't realise because we didn't know how it was 
done. My money is on a chicken sandwich stuffed up his dhoti. I convert for 


 Has This Man Gone 70 Years Without Eating? UPDATE: Chill Out, Everyone. He 
Obviously Has Not. 

 Has This Man Gone 70 Years Without Eating? UPDATE: ... 
 Okay, here's a weird one. You may remember the story of Prahlad Jani, an 
Indian yogi who claims that he hasn't ever eaten or had a drink in the last 70 

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