look, if it doesn't hold up to thorough analysis, then it can't be considered 
as valid. 

 now, please ignore this comment, and go back to your endless loop of how yada, 
yada, yada are true believers, yada, yada, yada.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

if you believe the reports of the people who conducted the study, did not eat 
or drink anything for 15 days!

 This is the salient point IF YOU BELIEVE the people who conducted the study 
who would not allow the full video to be viewed nor allow the Indian 
Rationalist group to take a look - these refusals should give you a clear view 
that all is not as it seems and that the "science" behind it is bogus.


 From: "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 4:24 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Holy Man Claims He Has Not Eaten Or Drank 
Anything In 70 Years!
   Sal, who the hell are your trying to convince?  Yourself?

 I don't care if the guy didn't eat or drink for 70 years.  It makes me no 

 Nor am I trying to convince anyone of the whether this is some grand 

 All I'm saying is that the dude, if you believe the reports of the people who 
conducted the study, did not eat or drink anything for 15 days!

 Okay, that, on the face of it, that defies science.

 And no one that I'm aware of has come forward to debunk the study.

 And no one seems to be trying to promote it or make money on it.  

 It is just an anomaly, and that is what interests me.

 You are the one so anxious to discredit it, but so far the grounds for that 

 1) It's impossible according to medical science as we know it.  Yes, 

 2) If it were true, then people would be flocking to find out more about it.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Impossible! This is the third time I've caught you putting words in my mouth. 
If you have evidence that a regular intake of food and water is optional I want 
to hear it.


 I don't!  But evidently you have no explanation for the results of this 
anomaly other than, "I don't like the results, they are impossible from what we 
know about science, and the general public has not gone gaga over this"  That 
is called an appeal to authority, and is a weak position on which to dispute 

 A weak position other than the fact there is no magical gland in the human 
body that, when starved, creates a magical nectar that provides all dietary 
requirements including water for many decades and without any energy input?

 It's not really an appeal to authority is it? If I drop a plate I expect it to 
hit the floor, I understand the "authority" that tells me it's the most likely 
expectation. Gravity is a well observed and understood and predictable law of 
nature. Saying I'm making an "appeal to authority" implies that you think I 
don't know what I'm talking about but am just hoping you'll take someone's word 
for it like you think I do.

 Metabolism is another thing I feel confident enough to say that you can't go 
without food or water for 70 years, there is no appeal to authority here 
either. As I say, it's either a hoax or this guy has a magical gland etc etc...






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