Here are the conclusions you could draw from this: 

 1) TM makes you more likely to commit suicide



 2) people who do TM who decide to go live in Fairfield, Iowa, tend to 
self-medicate using TM, rather than seeking professional help for thigns that 
TM doesn't affect.




 3) both of the above.


 There's no way to tell which conclusion is correct.



---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 people would like to know how Fairfield rates compare to other communities. 
Fairfield’s rate is indeed higher than the national average, which is 12.3 
cases per population of 100,000, per year (as of 2011, the latest stats 


 In Jefferson County, the rate is 19.83 cases per 100,000 as of 2014 (based on 
20 suicides in 6 years with a county population of 16,810.) James Moore is 
correct in saying that the high suicides rate is a community-wide issue.


 As Matthew and James have pointed out in the comments, around a quarter of the 
20 people who have died by suicide practiced TM. However, this does not mean, 
as James said, that suicide among TM practitioners is half the national 


 On the contrary, the rate is actually higher than that of the county, because 
roughly 3,000 of the county’s nearly 17,000 practice TM. Assuming 5 of the 
residents who died by suicide were part of the meditating community of 3,000 in 
the past 6 years, the rate would be 27.75 cases per 100,000, which is more than 
double the national average.

 From the author of this piece, in the comments section:[772000562838922]&action_type_map=[%22og.likes%22]&action_ref_map=[]

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