Actually you can. If TM takes you out of the ego, the sense of personal self, 
and if it works every time (i.e., you transcend at least once during a 
sitting), then in 40 years of meditation with some residence courses thrown in, 
you commit suicide some 30,000 times. If TM goes the distance (which some 
doubt), then eventually the suicide will be permanent. It won't be permanent in 
CC because ego is still in the centre of the active part of life in that 
experience. You need BC to catapult the ego to the periphery of life where it 
basically is on a short leash and can't run the show. 

 Physical suicide results if TM dredges up something the ego can't deal with, 
and is more likely to occur in a 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil' 
oppressive environment where help is unavailable by design.

---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 Here are the conclusions you could draw from this: 

 1) TM makes you more likely to commit suicide

 2) people who do TM who decide to go live in Fairfield, Iowa, tend to 
self-medicate using TM, rather than seeking professional help for thi[ng]s that 
TM doesn't affect.

 3) both of the above.

 There's no way to tell which conclusion is correct.


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