On 10/2/2014 1:29 PM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
Thanks for taking up this Issue, while I needed to step away to reread Sleep and Dreams: A Sourcebook Compiled by Jayne Gackenbach.
You might be interested in this paper by Gackenbach on the experience of lucid dreaming among TMers and its relationship to witnessing:


/A lucid dream is a dream in which the sleeper is aware that he or she is dreaming./ From what I've read, the phenomenon of lucid dreaming has been well established by scientific research by Gackenbach and others, so its existence is well established. Barry may not be aware that /Dream Yoga/ has been practiced by Tibetan Buddhists for years.

In /Tibetan Dream Yoga/, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state is part of /Dzogchen/ training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as /Rigpa Awareness/. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as phenomena. /Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in TM./ In Tibetan Yoga lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of the /Diamond Light/.

Read more:

/'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'/
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Snow Lion, 1998

/'Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines' /
By Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup and W. Y. Evans-Wentz
Oxford University Press, 1967
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