Dear Ann,

Thank you for the lunch invitation.

You will be please to know that my wife will be joining us. She was thrilled to 
be invited.

We both look forward tom seeing you and are skipping our breakfast to keep a 
hearty appetite.

Your appreciative guests.

P.S. I love Thailand (and Burma)


 I would be most honored to make your wife's acquiantance. She could do the 
ordering making sure to absolutely get a #4 for you and afterwards we could all 
talk about art. Are we meeting in Victoria or in NYC? If so I will have to have 
a visit with my niece in Brooklyn. She is an artist too.

  My son is an artist living in Brooklyn. Does niecey need an inspiring lover?
He comes highly recommended.

 Thank you for the offering of your son but my niece is already married to a 
rather doting Israeli. She also converted to Judaism and her three children 
have rather beautiful Israeli names. I did get in trouble one time though for 
bringing some non-Kosher grape juice into their kitchen and had to keep it up 
in my bedroom instead of putting it in their fridge. I now check all the labels 
on the foods I buy while staying at their place.

And the #4 was as delicious as you said. 

Sorry, our appetites got the best of us and we couldn't wait; what with all 
those flights, taxis, packing, schlepping, walking, getting lost...

Don't thank us, we were just saving you a trip.


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