From: salyavin808 <>

Does "cosmic" consciousness still work when you are under an anaesthetic?

I'm guessing not. 

The jury may be out on this one, because of a somewhat scary phenomenon called 
"anesthesia awareness." (

This is quite a concern among surgeons because it's possible (and happens in 
0.2-0.4% of cases, more if the patient is traumatized) for a person to receive 
the full and appropriate dose of an anesthetic that is supposed to knock them 
out completely, yet still be awake during an operation. Imagine being able to 
feel the surgeon cutting into your heart, or being able to hear them talking 
about you. The latter possibility has now almost comically worked its way into 
surgical guidelines: "Because the medical staff may not know if a person is 
unconscious or 
not, it has been suggested that the staff maintain the professional 
conduct that would be appropriate for a conscious patient."

The main worry about this research is that the existence of different 
attentional states somehow implies that the cosmology as presented by Marshy 
and his vedic tradition is correct. By cosmology I mean that consciousness is 
some sort of unified field that is beyond us reachable by us as a kind of 
method of gaining insight into the workings of physics. I don't think it is at 

What we most likely have here is continual meditation developing a type of 
awareness using a different section of the brain. It's like when we use NLP 
techniques to develop new neural networks to achieve different results in life 
than our social training equips us for. We are immediately aware these modes 
even if unfamiliar. The evidence is that consciousness is spread out through 
the brain, meditation may very well be altering the way we perceive it by 
creating an "empty" neural network for consciousness to observe, as opposed to 
something active that people usually achieve when they learn something new.

Calling it "cosmic" is muddying the waters I suspect. More data on how 
consciousness works is needed, luckily that is piling up all the time.

---In, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

The criteria the Fred used to find his subjects in CC was that they had to have 
continuous integration of transcendental experiences (TE) with waking and 
sleeping for at least 1 year.  The "Cont-TE" group.

Two other groups were chosen as well: people who intended to learn TM but had 
not yet started and had rare (less than 1 per year -the "Rare-TE" group) 
transcendental experiences, and people who had been practicing TM for a while, 
but did not report frequent transcendental experiences outside of meditation 
(between 1 and 10 TE per year -the "Occas-TE" group).

 A semi-structured interview and two measures of TE were used to substantiate 
subjects’ self-reports of inner experiences. 

 The two measures had been developed by non-TMers to measure frequency of 
transcendental experiences in the general population: Hood’s M-Scale from 
[Hood, R.W., 1975.The construction and preliminary validation of a measure of 
reported mystical experience. Journal of Scientific Study Religion 14, 29-41] 
and Baruss’s Physical-Transcendent Scale from [Baruss, E., Moore, R.J., 1992. 
Measurement of beliefs about consciousness and reality. Psychology Reports 71, 

Group means for M-Scale
Rare-TE:/18.19 +/-6.47; 
Occas-TE:/39.59 +/-3.15; 
Cont-TE:/60.79 +/-0.61. 

means for the Physical-Transcendent Scale were: 
Rare-TE:/35.79 +/-5.21; 
Occas-TE:/61.49 +/-4.71; 
Cont-TE:/84.19 +/-2.96. 

Various EEG and other physical measures were done as well as interview 

The results were reported in two different papers:


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