
One of the more interesting things in this piece is his reference to a private blog group called Cult Bros which is a group of people who grew up in the Movement:

On 10/30/2014 7:42 AM, TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] wrote:
I actually think that the Cult Bros thang is healthy, and the fact that the author of this fluff piece ISN'T a member and doesn't seem to be doing any real examination of the insanity he grew up with strikes me as far less healthy. The very fact that he could refer to the made-up, non-existent "Yogic Flying" as "the black belt of meditation" indicates to me that he's never understood meditation, much less anything to do with black belts.
/His fluff piece wasn't much different from your fluff piece about Rama on your web site.

You even bragged about how Rama had a black belt in the martial arts and could levitate up off of a sofa. This is actually far less healthy than just being in a trance-induction state and still trying to write science reports. You can deal with the cognitive dissonance but it's going to be a lot more difficult dealing with your own insanity./
He's written a puff piece to make money, and pooh-pooh his own history growing up as if he's all adult now, and looks back on it as if it were just silly. My point is that it's a great deal MORE than silly -- it's insanity, on a mass scale. This guy has never really dealt with that. I have more respect for his bros in Cult Bros, who at least understand and acknowledge what they were part of.
/Wake up, Barry - this is the "Cult Bros"./
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