Ann, salyavin has said that he still does TM, so not former.
      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 9:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Real names of FFLers?

---In, <> wrote :

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <punditster@...> wrote :

I use my real name, so hey, sucks to be you privatetypes, but I mean no threat. 
 If the bill collectors, pastwives, cuckolded husbands, and tax man are after 
you alongwith the FBI and Mafia, well, of course I understand yourneed. >

On 10/31/2014 2:26 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

It isn't really in thespirit of the internet to use your real name, the idea is 
thatyou can project the image you want and even hide what sex andage you are. 
It's a meeting of minds doncha know.
Anyone can be anythingthey want to be on an internet discussion group. The 
questionis, why would someone want to troll under an alias and trash 
adiscussion and make themselves look like an atheistic asshole?It just doesn't 
make any sense to normal people seeking answersto the spiritual life. 

When people do that it indicates they probably have OCD orserious anger 
management issues. In fact, it's dishonest to usean alias in a real online 
discussion. Only newbies andadolescents do that because they are trying to hide 
somethingfrom their parents. 

But, it is especially strange for science writers to post usingan alias - I 
mean, who is going to do an internet search for a"salyavin808" - everything you 
post to the internet is lost inWarehouse 13. What a waste of time. In contrast, 
most of myinformation forms a huge data base of information and I'll befamous 
for several generations.You are a nobody.

I think you are quite probably insane. 

Uh, DUH. 

Are people on Fairfield Life *just* noticing this?  

I wouldn't say "just" as I do tend to avoid his stuff unless it pertains to 
something of mine and even then usually I just ignore him anyway. But I felt 
obliged to respond to that one as it came from nowhere, just a stupid joke 
about my screen name.
I'm surprised that I obviously I get under his skin. I'm kinda pleased about 
it, as the resort to abuse must mean he has no good answer. But I'd be worried 
if I actually disliked someone for their opinions about something, like it 
matters! I judge people by what they're like as people, not by what they think 
of fundamental reality. I'd be lonely if I did. LOL.
I think it was me me finding that one of his quotes was lifted from Wiki, it 
must have pissed him off. I'd be embarrassed, but then I wouldn't have done it 
in the first place. Own the knowledge guys!

Not the greatest advertisement for "creative intelligence" ever, eh?  :-)
I would say not. If I was in charge of the TMO I would pay him off or ask him 
to claim to be a Scientologist or something..
You guys are making me laugh. You're all former meditators and teachers, or did 
you selectively forget that small factoid?

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