On 12/3/2014 12:02 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
If only you would unsubscribe. Before you do I challenge you to re-post the "sea of profanity" I used to excuse Barry's posts.
Why don't you do it - Rick is online reading FFL tonight. I challenge you - do you have the balls? We'll wait.

*From:* nablusoss1008 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
*To:* FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Wednesday, December 3, 2014 11:36 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Butt-Fucking-Babies

who's idea was concieved in the sick mind of the Turq and written in a post here on FFL caused many to leave. Later he tries to wriggle himself out of the net by making ridicelous claims that Dutch police is investigating or watching American and German posters on an American blog. The fact is that these posters didn't want to be on the same list as a pervert and left. It would be to insult the intelligence of others here to believe that they buy the idea that Dutch police have the time or interest of investigating foreign nationals when the sick poster is living in Holland, right in their midst. The Turq is lying about the so-called "cop" in the same way as he has been lying about "lurking reporters" and a host of other issues. But who's to blame him, he's living such a pityful excistence that he has to make things up to appear as ANYTHING else than the scumbag he is. As expected some posters here have tried to bury the fact that the Turq posted what he did, Sally in a sea of sceptisism and irony, Bhairitu in a sea of self aggrandisement, anartaxius in a sea of words and Michael Jackson in a sea of profanity. As expected. As was the fact that Rick Archer did nothing so far. After all it was his idea to create a forum for dumping on all things TMO and with most of the sane people gone he certainly got what he wanted. That he has allowed pedophiliac ideas to be expressed on this forum without taking any action will be his cross to carry. He'll probably make some joke about that sentence in a future comment. But sarcastic, threatening or ironic comments by anyone will not be read as I'm happily unsubscribing.

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            • ... 'Richard J. Williams' pundits...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
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