Re "There is a physical world, the illusion is the Cartesian theatre":

 What is immediately given in consciousness is the Cartesian theatre. So we 
know that that at least is real (as real as it needs to be). The idea that 
there is an existing physical world independent of our being aware of it is 
just a concept - a "regulating idea" that we find useful in discussing the 
common aspects of our mental pictures and in doing science. But there is no way 
anyone can prove there's an objective physical world of matter "behind" the 
picture. Plato knew that. So did Bishop Berkeley (BARK-LEE and not BERK-LEE 
though the college is named after him!). So did the logical positivists. So do 
quantum physicists.

---In, <> wrote :


---In, <s3raphita@...> wrote :

 This is a physical world and I am conscious . . . how the illusion of the 
outer world is created is still a mystery 

 Errrr . . . so *is there* a physical world or is it an illusion?

 There is a physical world, the illusion is the Cartesian theatre we have in 
our heads that makes us think we are perceiving the world and that there is an 
"us" observing it all. I call it an illusion because our heads aren't wired up 
with any sort of central processing unit. And sense information processing is 
scattered throughout the brain.

 Somehow it is all gathered together into a 3D movie with stereo sound and what 
we think of as a stable personality - but which isn't really - looking out at 
it all. It's the Ego trick and it's a damn good one, so good we only knew it 
was a trick when we couldn't find it! But we know where it all happens, so 
that's a start...



---In, <> wrote :



According to Sam Harris, "there is no scientific evidence that consciousness 
exists in the physical world." 

 This is a physical world and I am conscious. That rather puts the kibbosh on 
that idea.

 I suspect that what we have here is a category error. Consciousness isn't a 
thing so you won't ever be able to remove it and dissect it. Consciousness is a 
process, and one that can be measured and predicted, even altered.

 So to call this process a noun instead of an verb is your error and why it 
gets so confusing. How the illusion of the outer world is created is still a 
mystery though, but like all mysteries it is fathomable.

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