Duveyoung, I was replying to this and Yahoo managed to not save most of my 
draft, so I am having to reconstruct about 2/3 of what I had already written in 
response, and I had a business trip this afternoon, so my memory is no longer 
fresh, so if you expect a reply from me, you will have to wait a bit more, a 
few days I think. A devil's advocate is always the best adversary, unless of 
course we are on the same side there.

   From: Duveyoung <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 1:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: How does one decide if a person's testimony 
is valid?
    Anartaxius -- gunna devil-advocate on yer buns.  Gunna be snarky N "the 
worm turns" funzies.  Just to see what I can getcha to pony up about why your 
authority in these matters, well, matters.  

You speak as I do when I'm really doing my mad-poet high-stepping -- dead 
certain of everything -- only I do it with a jester-wearing-a-hat costume, and 
you come across as professorial with a jaunty mortar board hat.  

Well, listen to my screeching from the back of the room below, and let's us 
just see what can be seen.  Please take my attack, yes, attack, in the spirit 
of those English Parliament debates where the other party yells in the most 
raucous, rude, and in your face manner...only this time I'll feign some 
low-life kinda-Bronx accent.....with an imagined voicing not unlike a delivery 
by Groot.   (But, actually I'm still angry at Curtis for ripping me apart like 
this a few weeks ago...I'm just his fanboy trying to impress him.......hee hee.}
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

Yes, no longer mutually exclusive. I think it is basically a teaching 
I think.  I think.  Hmmmmm.  Either way, if you're using the word "I" or 
"think" then, we're talking about processes of a human nervous system, and that 
seems, dang it, ever so iffy -- maybe even, error prone, maybe even bullshit.  
Please clear this up for us.  The rest of your statement kinda depends on it.  
An "I" seems to have the power to "think" -- I'm chewing on this, but it's 
flavor is kinda like gum from under a seat.

As Nisargadatta said, it forces a person to look within if all they know is 
thinking and doing. The 'within' really is not a separate place in the 
You know it's a not separate place how?  Because I amuse you?  Wait....I mean: 
Because YOU'RE a Nisargadatta devotee of many decades or what?  Can ya scurry 
up a quote for us.  I ask, cuz you used the word "said."  Which I take meant 
"wrote via translator/transcriber of pristine merit" not "I heard him in his 
original language and I know that language perfectly" or "I have studied at his 
feet."  See the problem here with this kind of use of words by you?  

it is made to seem that way at first to break the habit of looking without. 

Nisargadatta told you this?  Again I ask, cuz, man, authority is dripping off 
of this statement, and it's a statement that is shockingly different from 
anything specific that Nisargadatta SEEMS to have said in the books that I have 
read.  Hmmmmm.  I think we have a case of you interpreting and me interpreting, 
and now I gotta ask ya why you come across as "it's so obvious" about this 
thing.  I'm not a smart person, but I try harder.  Let us all know just what 
you're saying here.  Are you enlightened or what?  If you're hinting at it like 
this, I've got a basket of rotten veggies back here, ya know?

But then at some point you have to connect the inner and outer viewpoint that 
has been constructed and consciously take down the mental and experiential 
barrier that seems to exist between inner and outer. 

And everyone understands exactly what your words mean because . . . ?   Cuz, 
hey, I don't know JACK SHIT about this "connecting" skill you're suggesting is 
to be humanly used.  God might be able to do that, but . . . So? What exactly 
Does the ego get the two databases together and say, "Now all you fuckers 
inside the skull gotta understand the outsiders are the same as you here 
insiders, so leave off with that outer guys are other guys shit, and you outer 
guys with all your snooty "but we're physical" shit gotta stuff that crappola 
and see that you are merely reflections of the inners."   Is it something like 
that?  Does the ego just up and finally take the reins of the whole spectrum of 
experiencing and TAKE CHARGE?  Where's is the volition you seem to believe can 
be COMMANDEERED to do this kinda micro-neuron-level restructuring?  I gotta 
know, cuz that's some crazy shit -- and I'm interested.

It is curious that even after decades of meditation, some people 
SOME people, eh?  Meaning my decades of inquiry were for naught?  I got low 
esteem here, so naturally everything's my fault, so with a knee jerk like that, 
I gotta push back and be brave enough to challenge you.  I think you're saying 
your KEN, your wisdom is deeper, more clear, more substantially integral, 
whatever, so I gotta hit ya about this kind of snooty shit.
do not seem to move beyond this. 

seem -- I think you meant to type "definitely are such turds they'll never make 
it," right?  I ask, cuz, I know I didn't make it, and so I'm wondering if it's 
just me or EVERYONE ELSE at FFL that you're hinting about.  You could be more 
specific here.

I think that is caused by a lack of scepticism, and an inability to trust one's 
own sense direction. 

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, your sense was what adjective again?  Trustworthy?  But I was 
supposed to know that MY sense was inferior?  Do I have this correctly?  Cuz, 
I'm just reading your mind here by dint of magic, channeling and projection, so 
fucking help me out here.
Supposedly TM is to create field independence and self sufficiency, but these 
qualities do not seem to appear in a lot of people. 

Again, you're so sure we all know exactly what the field-fucking-ciency-thingy 
means when you say this.  What's up with this assumption?  There's skills that 
some folks have that help them get enlightened, and they're inherited or what?  
Is this a "DNA of the pundits are superior" kinda thingy?  Were you a "first 
child" -- golden?  

I think the belief system in the TMO is a major factor, it says these things 
will happen, but it does not pointedly make it a conscious issue of what sort 
of attitude the mind must have for it to be nurtured, since that attitude means 
questioning the very foundation of the system of belief. 
And that's beautiful............sounding.  I think we see a book in the making 
here, and I'm the kinda guy to encourage a fellow writer to go for it.  I mean 
that's hot shit man!  Total rebel with a cause stuff.  

If one takes the meaning of the words belief and knowledge seriously, if there 
is such a thing as knowledge, then belief will have to fall by the wayside at 
some point and be replaced by something more direct and substantial. 

Sounds sooooo OED and lexicographicalistic, Batman!  I might add a tiny 
protestation here as an aside:  I would contend that I have NEVER positioned 
the word "awareness" as anything but a place holder -- not as a word with ANY 
real world meaning.....cuz that would be tawdry.

As many people have experienced, the entire path of spiritual growth is based 
on concepts that have no real practical significance or meaning once they have 
achieved their purpose; 

Whoa!  That just went right over my head, or it was bullshit.   I have been 
totally changed by ALL MY LIFE EXPERIENCES.  Everything counts.  My studying of 
the various scriptures and all the TM stuff -- changed me by dint of being real 
life examples of my nervous system hard at work.  Not that I'm exactly on-topic 
here.  What the fuck does a concept do to achieve something?  I'm totally 
confused about your mastery of psychology here.  Are you a wizard? I ask you 
openly, Sir.

they are tools, like a multi-stage rocket booster, which once they have done 
the required job, are jettisoned.

Are you selling next year's techniques?  You can help us? You are drenched with 
spiritual authority with such a statement....or just brow beating?  

Someone who wants to teach this sort of thing might have to revisit such tools, 
or make up new ones, because if such a one just sits there and says 'everything 
is one' or 'you are that' or some such, it is not going to be very effective. 
Who teaches?  Who can be taught?  I think it's pretty clear that I'm not guilty 
of teaching anyone here, right? I'm the guy with the jester hat.  Let's see 
now, who here comes off as more seriously intellectual?  Hmmmm.

Who said "a concept" can have any significant power to re-program a mind?  Not 
me -- not like it's a pill that can be taken. Nope.  It's the whole universe 
afoot if you ask me.  Your statement seems so very very different from infinite 
correlation.  If I ever wrote differently, woo boy, I take it back, because I 
would guess that UNDERSTANDING something -- anything -- has pretty much zero 
prognostic power.  Just ask anyone who has had their chart read or believes in 
crop circle messages or, hey, ask Marlon Brando. He had his asshole read in 
India.  So he musta found an expert what with his money and fame.  I'm saying 
there's no example of anyone knowing what the power of anything is -- since all 
we know is so parochial and local -- not universal and cosmic.  
The enlightenment success rate seems really poor, you cannot show it to 
someone. It is really the realisation you made a mistake and now you have 
realised what it was, but it did not change anything to fix it. A difficult 
selling point. Like selling the next year's new model car, when it looks 
exactly like the previous year.
Nice metaphor for the enlightenment idea:  ordinary mind is the Tao.    

And, done.  Whew. That was a bit much more than I thought I would do.  Hope it 
was more of entertaining than a slog.  But I was trying to land some serious 
hits.  I kinda wish I had held back, cuz you might be a giant or brain in a jar 
with laser beams.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Problem is for some people awarenessand consciousness are no longer mutually 
exclusive.  That they areseems to be splitting hairs. Like Krishnamurti I just 
don't careabout these issues anymore.  And furthermore I am bewildered 
thatpeople who have been practicing meditation for decades have notachieved 
enlightenment or "moksha" yet.  Maybe there is somethingto the idea of an "old 

On 12/17/2014 11:33 AM, anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]wrote:

  I wasevaluating these statements a few months ago. All I cansay is I seem to 
get them in terms of my own experience,but that does not help anyone else. 
Basically justmeditating for half a century seems to be the trick. 
Alsocertain specific experiences that have occurred alsohelped illuminate them 
for me. Specifically thetransition from waking to deep anaesthesia to 
waking,which is about as close to death one can get as far asshutdown of the 
brain was one factor for me. Also thetransition from TC to waking although that 
is moreerratic, and it does not happen any more for me. Anotherexperience is 
the realisation that what one thinks isnot true except in a very limited and 
restricted sense. 
Inother words, feeling comfortable with these statementsas having an 
experiential significance can only comewithin one's experience, not in the 
telling of thatexperience. You cannot prove a thing.
As alsopointed out by others, translation is a factor, butbasically it is the 
same old thing, whatever you call'absolute' and 'relative' specifies a 
difference inexperience and the mind has to recognise thatdifference, the 
relationship of the words bring tolight. It can be as simple as life and death. 
Awarenessis what you have in death, but the awareness, i.e.,being, does not do 
anything or is conscious of anything.Consciousness and awareness is what you 
have in life.Parsing the difference goes on in the mind until you nolonger 
really think of them as essentially different. Itis just an exercise in mental 
clarity rather than anexercise of truth. 
Truthis really local. It is the relationship between astatement and a 
situation. "I have a MAD magazine in myright hand" is a true statement if you 
have a copy of aMAD magazine in your right hand. But such a statementreally 
does not say much about the character of theitems mentioned. It is a very 
coarse approximation of aunique situation. For example, it did not 
containinformation about the pigeon crapping on my head while Iwas holding the 
Tryingto apply a statement to the entire universe as a wholesimply contains no 
useful content. The most generalised'true' statements are probably general 
relativity andthe standard model of quantum mechanics, and they arenot entirely 
general about all the universe is, theystill have local value. No one has 
figured out how tocombine them into a more general statement, and we alsodo not 
know if there is some unknown they cannot accountfor.
When aperson says they grasp what Nisargadatta said, what theyare really saying 
is they are experiencing a certainway, and that way for them is what they would 
call'truth', but it is not an expressible truth, a provabletruth, like holding 
a magazine in hand, it just meansthat whatever is being experienced can be no 
other wayat that moment, and that the mind is settled in theknowledge that it 
cannot be any other way. Every momentis absolute. 
Statementslike 'awareness is not the same as consciousness' makethe mind work, 
and it is an exercise in mentalflexibility to find experiences that correspond 
to theseterms, assuming such experiences are possible.Eventually, like 
practising a musical instrument, likefingers, or breath, or embouchure for a 
musician, themind gets a bit more flexible and responsive if you workit a 
certain way for a while. Once that work is done, itcan relax because what was 
previously work now canhappen automatically. Basically it breaks down 
previousconditioning by replacing it with another sort ofconditioning which is 
presumably less restrictive infunction.
JidduKrishnamurti said it a different way. He said 'My secretis I do not mind 
what is happening'. That just meansfrom his perspective there is experience, 
and that isall there is, nothing else is happening. For myself, Ifind the world 
of metaphysics simply vanished asexperience clarified. It was a reality created 
entirelyby the relationship of words to one another, but therewere no magazines 
to hold, it was imaginary, that mentalworld of things supposedly 'beyond'. 
Awakeningshows the mind there is nothing beyond what oneexperiences. The 
universe becomes immanent and lean andmean, because a ton of useless mental 
garbage is takendown. You can still make up stuff if you want, you justdo not 
have to;it is no longer necessary to rely on a mental world ofconcepts to enjoy 
life. You do not have to parseexperience to enjoy, you just have it. But you 
canparse it if you want. And to do stuff you do have toparse the world 
Ihave not had much time lately to post, I have beenworking on an electronic 
form of a publication, whichmeans working with Extensible Markup Language, 
andattempting to remember and relearn stuff I have notdone for several years, 
and it gets harder every yearas the brain ages, so this has turned out to be 
anexercise in re-establishing sufficient mental clarity to get theproject done. 
If you want to dosomething, to have a beer for example, you have to 
parseexperience into, not necessarily fully blown concepts,but sufficiently 
differentiated enough to distinguish abar, or a can or a bottle in a 
refrigerator, and soforth. I think I will now leave my computer and go makea 
cup of coffee. There is also one beer in the fridge,but its cold here now. Now, 
how should I dothis?...parse, parse, parse.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

Whatcan I do to test these statements?  
Nisargadatta"Thescriptures say so, but I know nothing about it. Iknow myself as 
I am; as I appeared or will appear isnot within my experience. It is not that I 
do notremember. In fact there is nothing to remember.Reincarnation implies a 
reincarnating self. There isno such thing. The bundle of memories and 
hopes,called the 'I', imagines itself existingeverlastingly and creates time to 
accommodate itsfalse eternity: To be, I need no past or future. Allexperience 
is born of imagination; I do not imagine,so no birth or death happens to me. 
Only those whothink themselves born can think themselves re-born.You are 
accusing me of having been born -- I pleadnot guilty!""Byits very nature the 
mind is outward turned; italways tends to seek for the source of things 
amongthe things themselves; to be told to look for thesource within, is, in a 
way, the beginning of a newlife. Awareness takes the place of consciousness; 
inconsciousness there is the 'I', who is consciouswhile awareness is undivided; 
awareness is aware ofitself. The 'I am' is a thought, while awareness isnot a 
thought, there is no 'I am aware' inawareness. Consciousness is an attribute 
whileawareness is not; one can be aware of beingconscious, but not conscious of 
awareness. God isthe totality of consciousness, but awareness isbeyond all -- 
being as well as not-being."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

What can Ido to test these statements?  
Nisargadatta"Thescriptures say so, but I know nothing about it. Iknow myself as 
I am; as I appeared or will appear isnot within my experience. It is not that I 
do notremember. In fact there is nothing to remember.Reincarnation implies a 
reincarnating self. There isno such thing. The bundle of memories and 
hopes,called the 'I', imagines itself existingeverlastingly and creates time to 
accommodate itsfalse eternity: To be, I need no past or future. Allexperience 
is born of imagination; I do not imagine,so no birth or death happens to me. 
Only those whothink themselves born can think themselves re-born.You are 
accusing me of having been born -- I pleadnot guilty!""By its verynature the 
mind is outward turned; it always tendsto seek for the source of things among 
the thingsthemselves; to be told to look for the sourcewithin, is, in a way, 
the beginning of a new life.Awareness takes the place of consciousness; 
inconsciousness there is the 'I', who is consciouswhile awareness is undivided; 
awareness is aware ofitself. The 'I am' is a thought, while awareness isnot a 
thought, there is no 'I am aware' inawareness. Consciousness is an attribute 
whileawareness is not; one can be aware of beingconscious, but not conscious of 
awareness. God isthe totality of consciousness, but awareness isbeyond all -- 
being as well as not-being."

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  • [FairfieldLif... anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [Fai... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: ... anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
        • ... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
        • ... TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
        • ... Duveyoung
          • ... anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • ... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • ... aryavazhi
            • ... Duveyoung
          • ... Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • ... Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • ... emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

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