Based on the theory of karma, there are no chance events - everything happens 
for a reason. Karma works on all levels, from a single bade of grass up to the 
highest devas. According to the theory of karma, the is causation and reaction 
- human excrement always flows downstream and gravity sucks. There are no 
exceptions. The question is - does karma also work on the level of moral 

---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 No, I'm not converting to Judaism.  I just reacted to the words written by 
Bhairitu based on the issues raised by Carde recently and the cosmological 
models that have been discussed here for the past week or so. 

 But it is interesting to know what the current Jewish rabbis are thinking 
about the Jewish role in the Middle East conflict.  For both the Jews and 
Arabs, they blame their mutual animosity on the failure of Jews to perform 
their duties as the "Chosen People" in the Bible.

 On the other hand, for us outside their culture, the conflict appears to be an 
ancient struggle for land and revenge.  But they have managed to include the 
rest of the world in their age-old family feud.   As we can see, the Americans 
and European nations are inextricably now involved in this feud in Iraq and 
Syria, although it appears to be an Islamic issue.  As such, we are subjected 
to terrorists attacks in our cities, such as those that occurred in Paris, 
France.  It would be foolish to think that the current terrorist attack in 
Paris is an isolated event.

 You may think that Genesis is a mere fictional story.  But for the Jews and 
Arabs, it is real up to this day.  And somehow, we too are involved in this 
drama as reluctant participants.   Nonetheless, some evangelical Christians may 
or may not welcome this event as the sign for the coming of Armageddon and the 
subsequent Rapture.


---In, <> wrote :


---In, <jr_esq@...> wrote :

 None of us is a machine or random in here.  According to rabbi Kraft, humans 
came from Adam and Eve.  In Hebrew word analysis, Adam means both the spirit of 
Hashem and the mud from the earth.

 Are you in the process of converting to Judaism John? Just curious as you seem 
to be posting a lot of Old Testament cosmology these days.

 My guess is that Bhairitu is wondering whether we are too predictable in our 
responses on here.

 I also think randomness and machinelike thinking play a part in everyone. When 
we get a stimulus that requires a response we have many options and we all 
probably cycle through many memes of explanations we've picked up on our 
journey through life. What we consider the best response will be the one that 
chimes best with what we have persuaded ourselves is reality, and we have 
different ways of persuading ourselves, some insist on hard 5 sigma data before 
accepting new cosmological theories (me) and others judge incoming data by how 
well it fits in with other things they (or someone they respect) have decided 
is true.

 Clearly we can kid ourselves in a major way or can close down options because 
they don't fit, which is fine as long as you are sure they don't. Most science 
is done in people's heads to work out whether an experiment is even worth the 
effort. Definite randomness there in the creation of ideas to test, but 
channelled towards a hopefully correct response to explain the machine which is 
what we are. Somehow...

 Truth is tricky but Genesis is a great story. One of my faves.


---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Are you machinelike or random?

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