---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 I hate to shatter Feste's dreams that he wasn't part of a cult that tries to 
"take credit" for pretty much *everything* that can be seen as positive, but 
here's the scoop from the top 'o the page at Global Good News:



 On 15 February 2015 The Guardian reported: New York City has enjoyed an almost 
unprecedented 12-day streak without a homicide. After months dominated by 
allegations that US law enforcement is reckless in the use of deadly force, 
especially when it comes to African-American men, there's a new 
criminal-justice narrative: US crime rates are falling, often dramatically, 
even as incarceration rates begin to level off. What Caused the Crime Decline? 
A study published last week by the Brennan centre for justice at New York 
University school of law looked closely at theories to explain the decline. Of 
14 factors that might explain some of the drop, 'even adding all of them 
together fails to explain the majority of the decrease', the authors 
concluded.Global Good News service views this news as a sign of rising 
positivity in the fields of world peace and culture, documenting the growth of 
life-supporting, evolutionary trends. 


 Ah yes, that's the sort of thing. I can see that turning into a press release 
no problem.

 The trouble they have getting this stuff picked up by the media (one of them 
anyway) is that they can't get any of the TM celebs to publicly endorse yogic 
flying and the Marshy Effect.

 Everyone understands the concept of meditation, so when celebs come out and 
say they do TM because they find relaxation useful it's ready-made copy for the 
papers because it's so obvious, and they get a famous face to get clicks with.

 But try and get David Lynch to publicly admit he believes in collective 
consciousness and that the FF butt-bouncers are responsible for anything 
paranormal, let alone that they brought down the Berlin wall, and he won't.  
There's no way he'll publicly admit to what he most assuredly believes because 
he knows full well that it wouldn't be treated as a celebrity endorsement but 
as a sign that he'd gone completely crazy. More ready-made copy.

 So they have to rely on the "science" which doesn't convince anyone. If anyone 
had real confidence in it it'd be self-explanatory and they'd be able to 
persuade DL and the other rent-a-mug's that it's worth getting into the public 
realm. But it's not and he's way too media savvy to sacrifice his credibility 
for that.

 So Feste, don't take the fact that you never see this in the news as evidence 
that they don't try, they are on the case every day. And the fact they never 
get this stuff published doesn't remotely bother them - they are like Jehovah's 
Witnesses in this respect - the act of sending out the press release so that 
people in influential positions get to read it is a spiritually satisfying 
enough act, because it gets the word out. "It keeps us lively in their 
consciousness" is how they described it to me. 


 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Monday, February 16, 2015 8:21 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Marshy Effect?
   ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :
 Interesting. Can you, Salyavin, provide the links to the press releases you 
say the TMO is now sending out claiming credit for the reduction in crime in 
New York? I know how you like to be scientific about everything, so I am sure 
you would not say this unless you had some evidence that it is indeed so. 
Indeed, you yourself say you can "absolutely guarantee”  it. So I’m looking 
forward to seeing those links you will post for us!

 I can only post links to news sources that have taken up the press releases. 
Obviously. But nobody ever does - for some reason.

 But how can I be so sure? I used to work in PR myself and everyone with an 
agenda, whether it's world peace or selling shoes, sends out a press release 
(PR's) at every chance they get to (hopefully) keep their brand in the news . 
Newspapers employ people to collect and collate the days PR's which are then 
sent to the editor who decides which is newsworthy and instructs journo's to 
get more information if the PR doesn't contain all they need for a story.

 When I worked in the media dept of the TMO it was no surprise to find that we 
sent out PR's on an almost daily basis. In fact part of my job was creating 
databases of journo's to send things to. Very easily done, you just read 
magazines and if you find someone who writes about things like alternative 
medicine they go on a list for the next ayurveda release etc.

 In times of conflict we'd send out PR's on a daily basis to every news outlet 
about how we had a proper solution to the trouble and how every government 
should give us money to create groups of yogic flyers. Crime rate gone up? PR 
about yogic flying. Impending election in war zone? Yogic flying again. 

 Only one PR was ever taken up by the UK press (one about teaching the 
unemployed to do yogic flying so they can make themselves useful by keeping 
crime rates down - treated with distinct amusement) But that didn't stop them 
for a second, and so it shouldn't. Keeping up a good media profile is essential 
these days, look at the coverage a mere mention of David Lynch gets, do you 
really think that newspapers go looking for stories about celebrities and what 
they do? Of course not, the TMO sends out a press release with all relevant 
info and they get in touch if they want to make a story out of it. That's the 
way it works.

 So why don't we get to hear about the Marshy Effect PR's? Because crackpot 
theories about reducing crime by jumping up and down in your pyjama's still 
isn't considered a worthy news story. But I bet my bottom dollar they are still 
sending them out. They'd be failing in their duty if they've stopped. Unless 
they don't believe it any more either? Nah, they'd be all over this with a PR 
about the pundit programme and collective consciousness, guaranteed.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

 You can bet your bottom raam the Movement will take credit for this, as they 
do everything in the world they think will sell tickets to their bizarre 
"vedic" circus.

I had a raam note once, it cost me ten bucks and the missus threw it away 
because she thought it was joke money. OK she was right, but it cost a lot and 
had a nice picture on it. I thought it made a nice memento.

 However, I think the movement should keep quiet about their role in this 
apparent calmness as it actually contradicts the claimed Marshy Effect. If it 
took 7000 to lower the crime rate 20% in Washington in 1993 (not that I believe 
it)  then how many have been meditating in New York to get a 54% reduction? 
Erm, none it would seem. So the Marshy Effect either isn't reliable enough to 
be tested or is hopelessly inadequate compared to whatever is going on now.

 But I can absolutely guarantee they are sending out PR's claiming that the 
lower crime is all down to them. We would have been!

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2015 4:01 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Marshy Effect?
 After the Big Apple’s 12-day run without killings, experts struggle to find 
the reason for a trend repeated across the nation

 "Although there was an attempted murder in Queens on Friday that left a man on 
life-support, New York has enjoyed an almost unprecedented 12-day streak 
without a homicide. While crime statistics are difficult to interpret – violent 
crimes such as rape and assault have not reduced so markedly – the trend 
overall is repeated across the US. From its peak in 1991, violent crime is down 
51%; property crime 4% lower; and murder down 54%.
 During that same time, incarceration nearly doubled. The US prison population 
now stands at 2.4 million – up 800% since 1980 – or roughly a quarter of the 
world’s total. The cost? About $80bn a year. The overall cost of the US 
criminal justice system is placed at $240bn, or about half of the federal 
 But according to What Caused the Crime Decline?, a study published last week 
by the Brennan centre for justice at New York University school of law, there 
is no definitive link between falling crime and mass incarceration."
 I'd like to see the daily press releases the TMO are sending out about this, 
doesn't look like they are reaching a sympathetic audience though....

 New York’s streets are suddenly safer. Why? 

 New York’s streets are suddenly safer. Why? 
 After the Big Apple’s 12-day run without killings, experts struggle to find 
the reason for a trend repeated across the nation

 View on www.theguardian.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 





  • [FairfieldLife] The M... salyavin808
    • Re: [FairfieldLi... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [Fairfie... salyavin808
        • Re: [Fai... TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • Re: ... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... Michael Jackson mjackso...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fai... feste37
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          • Re: ... salyavin808
            • ... TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
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