One of the most glaring points of the article was the last big measles outbreak 
in Iowa started in Fairfield, brought in by an unvaccinated person FROM INDIA. 

      From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Friday, March 6, 2015 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Whoo Hoo at the Marshy School!

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

OTOH, I wouldn't be surprised thatpeople who have been observing healthful 
practices for years, noteating bad food with chemicals and preservatives might 
have severereactions to vaccines which contain a lot of crap in them.  Youspend 
years raising your kids to be healthy and then you're goingto abandon those 
principles to help big pharma make money with"junk" vaccines?
Prove it. And in the mean time consider the effect of return of the vicious and 
highly contageous illnesses we've all but banished because a few health freaks 
are worried about "poisoning" their children's bodies. It won't be pretty for 
the parents of the children at the Marshy school when some of them get ill but 
they'll only have themselves to blame. Or karma. 
What pisses me off is that any immunity I've got from vaccines or childhood 
exposure is long gone so I can get really ill again too. Thanks a lot yummy 
Religion's aim has always been to keep us in the dark ages. It might yet 

 On 03/06/2015 12:09 PM, salyavin808 wrote:


---In,<mjackson74@...> wrote :

A few schools have large pools ofunvaccinated kids
|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Afew schools have large pools ofunvaccinated kidsMaharishi School in 
Fairfieldis only one where less than half ofstudents are vaccinated. |
| Viewon www.desmoinesregi... | Previewby Yahoo |
|   |

Good points made by the reporter - likehow can u have a religious exemption 
when TM is nota religion!!

Those who choose to ignore the mistakesof the past are doomed to repeat them.
I liked this bit:
Movementmembers say it is not a religion, but stresses"natural" methods of 
staying well. Followers areurged to eat nutritious foods, exercise 
regularly,meditate and take other steps to maintain theirhealth.

Yes,I can really see the world's viruses respectingtheir healthy lifestyle and 
twice daily practiseof meditation. Still, there's always the yagyaprogramme as 
a last resort.
Then there's thetriumph of irrational thinking over common sense:
LeilaMontgomery is one of the Maharishi school parentswho obtained a religious 
exemption to avoidvaccinations. Montgomery's 9-year-old son, Dil, isa 
third-grader at the school, and her 18-month-olddaughter, Lyra, will soon start 
preschool there.
Montgomerysaid her application for the exemption wasn'tbased on an organized 
religion's teachings, butit was sincere. Shedefines her religious belief as "my 
ability tolisten to my inner intuition."She added: "Ibelieve science is not my 
Montgomerysaid her children never get sick, and she creditsgood nutrition, 
exercise and other healthy habits.She doubts vaccines are as effective as 
promotersclaim. She said she's not overly worried about herkids contracting 
diseases such as measles. 
"Idon't live my life in fear,"she said.
Maybe not, but she'll live her life insorrow if her kids die of measles. I 
almost hopethese deluded idiots get what they're asking forbut a lot of other 
people will get ill whendiseases like measles come back. 
It's an astonishing yet true fact, youmay not be ill now but you may get ill in 
thefuture. Maybe this woman is so brainwashed by herlack of real world 
experience she actually thinksher children's current good health is 
anindication of their future good health? I wish herluck...
I also blame the prevailing stupidity ofthe TMO and it's "prevention is better 
than cure"meme that puts having a perfectly balanced pulseahead of anything 
else when it comes to healthmanagement. Oh, and eating seasonal 
organicvegetables. That's a big plus in the fight againstcontagious diseases 
obviously [eye roll]. 
PSI think that "I believe science is not my God" isthe dumbest statement I've 
ever encountered..

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