Lots of people enjoy piling onto Maharishi about "hopping like a frog" being 
the first stage of Yogic Flying, with a latter stage being levitation, but as I 
pointed out, the _Shiva Samhita_ describes levitation as coming in various 
stages, including moving along the ground as a " frog jumps" (around verse 
45ish I think) so this isn't something MMY made up. 

 As well, when Herbert Benson wanted to investigate paranormal claims about 
meditation, he asked the Dalai Lama about it and was sent to a  remote region 
of Tibet as he describes in his book:

 Timeless Healing by Herbert Benson 


 ...On other expeditions, my colleagues and I tried to confirm legendary 
reports that Tibetan monks levitate, rising and hovering above the ground 
during meditation. But when we were allwed to view the levitation of monks in 
the mountain hamlet of Chail, it appeared only to be an act of considerable 
physical agility in which monks, leg-locked in lotus position, sprang several 
inches off the floor. They did not hover. I was told through a translator that 
the sages of old had done so. When I asked, "Is it possible today?" the monk 
replied, with a twinkle in his eye," There is no need. Today we have airplanes."


 And, I should point out that the subjects for Fred Travis' study on the 
psychological and physiological correlates of enlightenment were mostly drawn 
from long-term participants in teh Invincible America course. The average foam 
time was about 15,000 hours. Further, the EEG of the TM-Sidhis, including Yogic 
Flying when hopping isn't involved, is TM-like, but with more coherence in 
non-alpha frequencies -in other words, more CC-like.

 So mocking people who sit on the foam  in the Domes for years is an expression 
of both rudeness AND ignorance (of course those often go hand-in-hand).


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :

 If we were to discover meditation tomorrow and start the nomenclature all over 
again would we still go for a unified field/"pure" consciousness/vedic infinity 
kind of approach? I think not. The emphasis would be mostly on what use it 
might possibly have, and that would be based on evidence and not the wild 
claims of the reesh.

 It would be a good project as we could disabuse people of the idea that it's 
something to do with physics from the get-go and thus remove a lot of tricksy 
cash cows from organisations like the TMO and also stop a lot of people 
spending all their lives sitting in domes waiting to fly and create a 
non-existent peace-field when they could be doing something they might be more 
proud of in later life. 

 Would it be as much fun though?








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