---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: salyavin808 <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <LEnglish5@...> wrote :

 So now you're saying that the Yogic Flyers aren't really "hopping like a frog?"

 Forget all that. My new guru has taught me that walking fast is the first 
stage in running through the light barrier. I'm just going to huff and puff to 
the cafe and test it out. 

 Just think, one day I'll get there before my grandfather was born. I wonder 
what the future will be like, disappointing maybe?

 I just can't participate in any of this any more...it's just too embarrassing 
for Lawson. I mean, here is a guy who has never in his life had the curiosity 
to even *try* some other form of meditation other than TM, and he's trying to 
sell the pseudo-science that was created to keep him believing that TM was the 
"best" form of meditation. It's like someone waving their kindergarten coloring 
book at you and claiming it's the most advanced textbook on physics ever 


 I love how convinced he is about it. Probably got that from Marshy, he always 
sounded like he knew what he was talking about just because he seemed convinced 




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