Thanks, you raise really interesting points.  Buck spent considerable time 
looking for form of leadership in inspirational speeches by finding historic 
famous speeches of historical famous leadership rallying moments.  In 
experiment then transposing them over to try to stem the breech in Dome 
numbers, you will find those throughout Buck's many contributions to FFL: 
Washington, Frederick, King Richard, Asad, Chamberlain and others.   

 No, Buck never did Adolf as Adolf is way too loaded to have much of a 
conversation about.  Though that passage in that in the band of brothers movie 
given by the German general to his surrendering troops Buck did use at a point 
with good effect against the haters.  

 You hit upon a distracting problem though where people may miss the import of 
how leadership is done whence there is attribution given.  People get easily 
distracted by attribution, like you did with the Mao attribution.  The 
quotations themselves are real interesting to look at if separated from his 
name.  Yes, he was a miserable administrator and made errors in decisions of 
governance like some other famous millenarian revolutionaries of the 20th 
Century we know.  But as a revolutionary at a time he was effective in the 20th 
Century.  The Little Red Book is interesting to look at for its study in 
leadership.  It is relevant still in the 21st Century.

 Your last point about transparency given the nature and speed of data in the 
internet world is absolutely right.  Survival for any group in the modern world 
is going to be readily marked against ethical behavior. There is no hiding bad 
behavior..   that is a lot of the wrangling going on now within TM.. how to 
proceed.  -JaiGuruYou  

---In, <> wrote :

 "Showing it around to local folks here, if they are not first prejudiced by 
knowing the quotations come from Mao, they generally recognize it as effective 
leadership that we do not have and could wish for in our own movement 

Did you ever have the same idea about 'Mein Kampf' of Adolf Hitler? 

About Mao: His policies caused the deaths of tens of millions of people during 
his 27-year reign, more than any other Twentieth Century leader...

Maybe at the time of Mao it was possible to clue people together by a single 
book, and to mass control peoples thoughts. This time is over now, with the 
advent of the Internet transparency has increased so much, that it will be hard 
to control people in the same way. Finally, the TMO has to come to realize this 
too, all the TM secrets are written down in the Internet. Deal with it.

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