I think you are correct and I think it's pathological to insist that a chat 
room is not spiritual enough and then stay there dragging the place down 
instead of thinking of relevant contributions, especially when you have a ready 
made alternative just a mouse click away where all is sweetness and light. 

 The need to stick around and bitch is symptomatic of something but I can't be 
bothered to do any research into it because it's so dull. I really hope there's 
no such thing as a "life review" when we die, because the three whining trolls 
here are going to really hate seeing how much of their lives they've spent 
saying the same thing over and over again. And to no effect. I wouldn't wish it 
on anyone.

 And one thing is really for sure, this aint spiritual behaviour. Or I read the 
wrong books...

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
"spirituality" without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called "peak" 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But noooooooo. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: "We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims." 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the whine...you've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's "program" correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you "share experiences" and get them voted "#1 experiences" or "#2 
experiences" or whatever. 

In those "sharing" sessions, there were always two sides to the "sharing." A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
"Woo!," and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your "spiritual 
experiences" in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the "sharing experience" was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the "TM research" -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that felt like the 
enlightenment you were promised, you could still have hope if you heard other 
people talking about *their* experiences or saw some chart that suggested they 
were actually *having* experiences. 

Now think about Fairfield Life. Same thing. Same dynamic. 

Sure, when Rick started the forum, it was intended as a safe forum for people 
who had gripes with the TMO to express them, and some of that has determined 
the character and the nature of the forum ever since. But for a smaller number 
of FFL participants, this was a place where they could come and act out the two 
sides of the dome "sharing" experience in cyberspace. 

Those who were hungry for attention could talk about their supposedly 
"spiritual" experiences, and a few people would go "Woo" and they'd get some 
attention. There is no need to name these people, because everyone here knows 
exactly who they are. 

Then there were the others, the much larger vast majority of TM TB FFL 
participants, who came here hoping desperately to read about any experience 
that could be construed as "spiritual." BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T HAVING THESE 

They needed to get their "spiritual experience" fix passively -- second-hand -- 
by listening to *other people* talk about experiences they'd had, so they could 
get inspired by them, and keep on keepin' on with their TM. And, of course, the 
only *valid* experiences of this sort were the ones arrived at through the 
practice of TM and the TMSP. 

So this brings us to the present day, with most of the "I want attention" TM 
TBs now having moved to The_Leak, and three others *ostensibly* having moved 
there, but in reality spending more of their time here BITCHING than they do 
there. And *what* are they bitching about? The everlasting whine is always the 
same: "We don't feel *comfortable* sharing our spiritual experiences here, 
because you don't treat us right. This is BAD of you. You should go away, or 
Rick should *make* you go away." 

I call bullshit. 

I don't think ANY of them have ANY "spiritual experiences" to share. At least 
not any that they've had in the last ten years. I think that spiritually 
they're impotent, and that they resent that they can't come to FFL and feed off 
the supposed spiritual experiences of other TMers, to convince themselves that 
they're  still part of the most specialist, most elitist, most importantest,  
and most wonderfulest group of human beings ever to grace planet Earth. 

They're PISSED OFF that the people on this forum who seem to be consistently 
having the most spiritual experiences, and are willing to talk about them, are 
*NOT* the TM TBs, but the heretics. This does not "compute" in their minds, and 
it makes them crazy. So they come here and try to do *exactly* what they claim 
has been done to them -- drive them away. 

It ain't gonna work. Those of us who have experiences to talk about will 
continue to talk about them here. If that pisses you off because many of these 
experiences don't come from TM, tough titties. We ain't going away. 

My message to these three whiners is simple: "Bring your OWN experiences to the 
table and be willing to discuss them, or fuckin' go away yourselves." 

      • Re: ... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
    • [Fairfie... reverse_arch...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
      • [Fai... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
        • ... reverse_arch...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: ... TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
        • ... steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • ... reverse_arch...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • ... Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • ... steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
        • ... rich...@rwilliams.us [FairfieldLife]
  • [FairfieldLif... salyavin808
    • Re: [Fai... TurquoiseBee turquoi...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: ... steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
    • [Fairfie... steve.sun...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

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