Sounds to me like you are edging towards the time when Girish will heave a sigh 
and sell off all the TM properties in the US, including the Golden Domes... you 
might have to move to Skelmersdale after the native Fairfielders turn the Domes 
into a local mixed martial arts venue.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 10:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] The Domes, 20 and 30 years on
Itwould help if you would support the Domes financially if for whateverreason 
you can't be in the Domes. Budgets are extremely tight in TMnow. Cashflow is 
not what it once was.

 ..Not enough resources orenough meditators to do hardly any large-scale 
replication studies. We are limited to supporting only 150 pundits here in 
Fairfield now. Local Maharishi school domestic enrollment is really low and 
hopingfor international boarding students to save the school. Theuniversity 
ditto. ..Dealing with a 40 year legacy of leadership inTM. 

I hope for the best in process,  -inFairfieldLife    

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

Are the Domes really leaking during the rain?
  From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Monday, May 18, 2015 9:01 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Domes, 20 and 30 years on

Aroller rink? No not that! “..thedome will be turned into a roller disco or 
something.”Our own Dome numbers are really low down now here. I have done 
mybest to fight for the hypothesis test and maintain the Dome numbers over the 
years.  In fact the Domes are fabulous spiritual places to meditate by field 
effect.  Theinternational course office over in Holland seems is un-relenting 
andgetting more so at excluding the old meditating community. Legacy of40 years 
leadership by a few. 

However,there is a campaign on to re-do the leaking roofs to preserve 
thebuildings. Could FFL create a virtual funding to help preserve theFF Domes? 
That would be very high-minded of this group.-JaiGuruYou! 

---In, <> wrote :

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I watched this clip actually hoping to see someone I recognized, but nooooo. 
One of the benefits of having bailed from the TMO several years earlier and 
having worked mainly on the West coast and avoiding all those icky Fairfield 
winters, I guess. 

And this lot are all English which might have made it less likely you'd know 
them ;-)
Ah, I see. I didn't even notice that it was the UK dome. I guess if you've seen 
one Golden Dome of Enlightenment, you foolishly assume you've seen them all.  
That *does* explain the extreme prissiness of the women, though. I kept 
searching through the crowd for some of those formerly-hippie, formerly-happy, 
still-somewhat-sexy-beneath-the-sexless-clothing women I remembered from my 
last days around the US TMO, and wondered what had happened to them in 3 years. 
Guess this was another group of sexless women entirely.  :-)

I know, I had a good laugh at all the frocks and horn rimmed specs. No flirty 
fishing with us!
But this was how Marshy wanted it, very churchy and tea on the lawn. A 
deliberate attempt to put distance between the hippies and the TMO. But there 
was a surprising amount of wife swapping going on behind the scenes though. I 
don't blame them, it's either that or the Skelmersdale night life. And trust 
me, you don't want that....

  From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <mjackson74@...> wrote :

So you can remember the good times:
Thanks for that MJ. Don't they all look young at the beginning! 
I know most of the people in that video and most of them are still up there in 
Skem but dome numbers have fallen dramatically since no one new moves in to 
replace those who pass over, and especially since the vedic village in 
Rendlesham got underway.
But they all voted to stay in the dome and not build a vastu site up north 
because they are so attached to it, which surprised me. Seems odd that whenever 
you go on a course you get a lecture about the importance of vastu but in the 
siddhaland itself they are aggressively uninterested and King Tony said that 
they should stay there if that's what they want, which wouldn't have happened 
in Marshy's day. 
And when the peace palace gets finished in Rendlesham and more building land 
becomes available for proper vastu homes - as opposed to the ones that make you 
ill because the sunrise is delayed by a few minutes -  Skem will fade away 
completely and the dome will be turned into a roller disco or something. Might 
make a nice coda to the video perhaps...
I remember complaining when our academy was sold but the people that run the 
movement say that this is why it's called a movement - you have to be ready to 
move at any time. A good way of losing attachment I think. Some wisdom maybe?
Dome - 20 Years On
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