From: salyavin808 <>

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

I don't know whether you got a chance to see the movie I raved about recently, 
"Ex Machina." IMO it's the most intelligent film about AI I've ever seen. 

I have it in my awareness to watch, sounds interesting. I know humans that fail 
the Turing test though, perhaps we'd be better off without them. Maybe that's 
what it's ultimately for! We all have to measure up to Alan Turing or it's off 
to the processing plant. There's a brave new world coming I think...

One of the things that most people don't know is that the famous "Turing Test" 
evolved from a party game proposed by Alan Turing. The game was similar to what 
we now imagine a robotic Turing Test to be, in that the party guests were to be 
separated so they couldn't see each other visually and could communicate only 
via written technology, such as a typewriter (or now, a computer). The issue 
Turing was interested in when he first thought up the idea, however, was 
whether someone could tell whether the person they were communicating with was 
*male* or *female*. He later expanded the concept and applied it to AI in his 
famous 1950 paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence." 
I think that this historical factoid is quite interesting, given what we know 
now, that Turing was gay, at a time that made him a candidate for prison for 
being so. 
I also find it interesting, given my fondness for "Ex Machina" and the really 
surprising (to me) reaction that a number of women I know had to it. The film 
*seriously* pushed their feminist buttons, so much so that they *hated* it. 
Part of the issue is that the robot/AI being tested in the film is given the 
appearance of a female, and is unfortunately not always treated properly. So 
they saw the film as yet another misogynist epic in which men flout their power 
over women. 

Even though I tried -- and with women who were all computer scientists and 
should know better -- I couldn't get them to see the validity of my position re 
the film. That is, that the AI named Ava *HAS* no gender. It just has a 
presentation layer that makes it *appear* to be female. 
I'm way behind on my movies. I only got to see Prometheus the other day when it 
got to TV. Can't imagine what else I've missed. My trouble is the library never 
gets decent modern films in to rent and Blockbusters shut down because people 
prefer to download everything. I'm so behind the times I doubt it would take 
much of an AI to replace me!
I don't think you've missed much. I have seen some good TV series in the last 
couple of years, but *really* have to stretch to think of a good film I've seen 
in that time. "Ex Machina" is the first really good one I've seen in ages. I'm 
looking forward to seeing "Mad Max: Fury Road," but sadly for some reason it's 
playing only in one theater with only one performance a day, and I have to wait 
until the crowds let up.  

  From: salyavin808 <>
 Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 7:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Rise of the machines?
Brain upgrades on the way at the very least... it's like we actually want to 
make ourselves obsolete!
Google a step closer to developing machines with human-like intelligence

|  |
|  |     |  |     Google a step closer to developing machines with... An 
algorithm developed by Google is designed to encode thought, which could lead 
to computers with ‘common sense’ within a decade, says leading AI scientist |  |
|     View on    |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |

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