I do find this interesting. Violet and purple are colours that some associate 
with spirituality, so I read somewhere once. Not sure how people come up with 
these things. I have always like violet colours, blues, and grey. But I would 
bet that if you looked into this there would be a lot of disagreement. Examples 
I quickly found on the web: 

 PURPLE (violet): This colour relates to the imagination and spirituality. It 
stimulates the imagination and inspires high ideals. It is an introspective 
colour, allowing us to get in touch with our deeper thoughts.

 TURQUOISE: Helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the 
spoken word. It presents as a friendly and happy colour enjoying life. In 
colour psychology, turquoise controls and heals the emotions creating emotional 
balance and stability.

 On one site, GREEN symbolised life, but I was told some years ago that in 
Africa, green signifies death, that there are cultural associations that differ 
from geographical area to area with regard to colour.



---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Sure, no problem. 

 There was a period of about three months (perhaps twenty years ago) when I 
visited the Saint Germain Foundation here in St. Louis.  

 Someone had related some stories about St. Germain which I found interesting.

 It turns out that Arnold Perris and his wife were higher ups in the 
organization, and they ran the center here.

 He was a music professor at the University of Missouri, St. Louis, UMSL for 
short, before he retired, and joined the organization full time.

 The center, by the way was in a very fashionable area.

 At any rate, my take away from that experience was this notion of an "I AM 
Presence", of which a violet flame or ray is said to be an integral part, and 
has a purifying influence.

 And I believe this violet ray is the seventh ray, according to Ascended Master 

 So, I always liked that idea and adopted it as my handle here.

 If you'd like me to elaborate on anything about this, I'd be happy to, as I 
enjoy talking about it, even if the extent of my "investment", in it, is just 
in my handle, and as a concept I find of interest.





---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 I am still curious why you picked the word seventhray for your e-mail. You 
never answered my question. Just curious. Xenophaneros, for example, means 
literally 'alien made visible' or 'from a foreign/strange/unfamiliar place made 
manifest'. Steve (from Stephanos, also a Greek name) means 'crown'.

 As everything is essentially nothing, it is possible to create a positive 
argument for any situation, because opposites are in the end, equally opposed 
to each other and manifest from the same source which is void of all properties 
including being void.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Xeno, you know, of course, what does not make one hell of a lot of sense, and 
that is, you have enough "content", and ideas to start your own group, strictly 
of like minded individuals. 

 Would you possibly be willing to humor me, by telling me, why you insist on 
remaining here, apparently trying to convert those have a different approach to 
spiritual endeavours and intellectual discussions in general?

 I mean, I get the impression you could dissect most anything to reach most any 

 I guess, I know the reason for that.  You would quickly run out of things to 

 And, of course, the purpose of any group like this, should be to try to share 
some experiences, and insights.

 But, usually the temptation to become troll like is too great, and before long 
the interaction deteriorates along those lines.

 "I'm not a troll, he's a troll"

 "Huh. How dare you imply I'm a troll"

 "You want troll, I'll give you troll"

 "Okay, I'll see your trollness, and raise you by five degrees of troll"

 Announcer: And so the ends the latest installment of "How the Trolls Turn.  
Join us next week, when the trolls take their troll battle across the Atlantic 
to Merry Old England"


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

 For one thing, Doug has not taken any visible actions so far, so we do not 
know how he is evaluating our content against the guidelines. The  guidelines 
seem to me to be aimed at 'person hood', that is, the way humans think they are 
an individual person or soul, a personal unique identity, whereas spirituality 
considers our identity to be something much more extensive than that, the goal 
of spirituality being to shift the sense of ego off to the side and replace it 
with a less fragile identity. 

 So it would seem that to implement the guidelines one would have first to have 
a comment that is offensive to a particular person, aimed at that particular 
person, not simply just posted without reference to someone currently on the 
group that is a part of the ongoing conversation. The violator needs a target, 
the violatee, and the comment must squarely aim at the violatee. 

 For example there is a wide range of intelligence here. Now somebody, we are 
not saying who, must be the stupidest person on FFL, though in all fairness, 
they may have all moved over to The Peak, that phallic symbol pointing up into 
the sky. Once we discover the stupidest person here, one of us, or several of 
us need to attack that person's 'person', their ego, by implying directly and 
forcefully they are in fact, not just in surmise, the stupidest person on FFL. 

 Then, Doug has to determine if the stupidest person here person has been 
sufficiently maligned to warrant action against the violator for having pointed 
out a simple fact. If in fact this fact is true rather than false, is it a 
violation of the guidelines to point out a true fact? In that case the 
guidelines would seem to be encouraging us to lie, which is considered an 
unsavoury characteristic to have, lowering our veracity and social status. Thus 
the guidelines might seem to encourage social misbehaviour by encouraging 
devious thinking and prevarication. 

 Another aspect of the guidelines is in encouraging ego preservation on a 
spiritual forum; they undermine spirituality by protecting that very aspect of 
human perception that spirituality considers problematical, the ego being a 
false idea of self, the idea the self is a limited body-mind in a terrifying 
universe rather than unconstrained awareness that is the very nature of the 
world we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. Awareness itself has no 
characteristics other than existence, it is absolutely neutral as far as 
experience is concerned; it does not care one way or another what it 
experiences. Only the false self cares. So how much should we, under the 
auspices of those guidelines, coddle that corruptible crybaby whose only effect 
is to diminish our true nature and shackle us with the chains of mortal fear?

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 as I said yesterday, and I've not been proven wrong.....so far...... 

 we can expect a non stop campaign by Barry to undermine the new moderator 
installed by Rick.

 and we know why this is

 to cut Barry off from his overriding need he has to be in conflict with other 
people, and to demean their beliefs and opinions, is something that will be 
fought against, tooth and nail.

 according to Xeno, and I quote (mostly), 

 "Barry is creative enough to find a way to participate within the new 



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