as I said yesterday, and I've not been proven far...... 

 we can expect a non stop campaign by Barry to undermine the new moderator 
installed by Rick.

 and we know why this is

 to cut Barry off from his overriding need he has to be in conflict with other 
people, and to demean their beliefs and opinions, is something that will be 
fought against, tooth and nail.

 according to Xeno, and I quote (mostly), 

 "Barry is creative enough to find a way to participate within the new 




---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :

 From: "Michael Jackson mjackson74@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 6:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
 If you really are the Guardian of the Yahoo Guidelines Galaxy, then it is 
incumbent upon you to do your sacred duty and ban all of us, including yourself 
because every one of us has ranted.

 And in all fairness Doug continues to spam Fairfield Life by continuing to 
post this 1,680-word rant over and over and over and over and over. 


 He *might* be able to make a case for reposting the topmost 307 words of it 
(the actual Yahoo Guidelines), but there is NO EXCUSE for reposting what 
follows, which is nothing but Doug's own long-winded rant. 


 Within the rant itself he also violates the guidelines himself multiple times, 
because he calls several people "bullies," (the sin of being insulting, and 
casting slurs against other posters), characterizes others as "dogs" (the sin 
of making unkind or degrading remarks), uses the word "F*ck" several times (the 
sin of profanity), and calls at least three people by their real names, which 
are not reflected in their posting IDs (the non-Yahoo but FFL sin of outing 
someone by referring to them by their own name without their permission). 


 I would suggest that to set a good example, Doug pretty much HAS to stop 
posting this obvious rant, and limit himself to reposting the first 307 words 
(the part between the two # marks). I would think that if he were serious about 
enforcing the real Yahoo Guidelines he'd be *embarrassed* to keep spamming the 
newsgroup with this obvious rant, in which he himself violates those guidelines 
multiple times.  



 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 10:55 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Yahoo-Groups Guidelines
   # June 10

 "Your use of Groups is subject to these Guidelines,  Keep your content 
relevant to the group and moderate it correctly.
 Be courteous.
 Moderate your content."

 “Don't threaten, harass, impersonate, or hurt others, and don't invade other 
people's privacy.
 ..the group owner may remove your content — or you — from the group 

 “2. Don't be unkind. Exploitative or degrading comments are not welcome in 
Groups. Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs, profanity or 

 Exploitative, especially: unfairly or cynically using another person or group 
for profit or advantage;

 to use selfishly for one's own ends.

 Degrading: causing a loss of self-respect; humiliating

 Belligerence: a warlike or aggressively hostile nature, condition, or attitude.

 Insult: to speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. A 
disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action. An insult is an 
expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is disrespectful or 

 Slur: an insinuation or allegation about someone that is likely to insult them 
or damage their reputation.

 Profanity: abusive, vulgar, or irreverent. 

 To Rant,  to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild 
over-vehement way; rave.

 "Keep your content relevant to the group and moderate it correctly."  “Don't 
be unkind”. 

 "We depend on each member to help keep it [FFL] a safe, fun, and positive 
place for everyone. Yahoo Groups, in its sole discretion, may terminate or 
remove any content, Group or your Yahoo ID immediately and without notice if 
(a) Yahoo believes that you have acted inconsistently with the spirit or the 
letter of the Yahoo Terms of Service or the Yahoo Groups Guidelines, or (b) 
Yahoo believes you have violated or tried to violate the rights of others. 
Please help us keep Yahoo Groups an enjoyable and positive experience."
 "If you see a Group or content that violates our rules, please let us know by 
contacting us []." 





 [..Some people evidently are not amenable to group collaborations which it 
seems is why groups, organizations or larger society may well protect and 
preserve themselves for the utility and well-being of their larger membership 
by removing or separating destructive asocial members.

 There is good reason to lack trust in collaboration on FFL at Yahoo-groups by 
what has been allowed to become a dominant culture of a few here. Of a fear of 
getting needlessly ensnared by any participation of putting ones thoughts and 
self forward. Folks generally are denied the opportunity to think together with 
good people on FFL for all the snark of the ad hominem attack.

 It takes skills and practice to see discussion as thinking but it takes allies 
of kindness to think together creatively. For the engagement within a group 
[FFL] to be effective there need be folks and a moderation willing and able to 
stand up to bullies who would destroy forum, to have a thinking forum.

 Truth evidently won't 'set us free' until we have the courage, skills, habit 
and moral courage to kindly explore it. There evidently are few allies of civil 
discourse on FFL and Rick Archer in moderation is seldom here to evenly protect 
civil discourse. Kind thoughtful discussion is up to the folks left here to 
seize if it can be had at all. Kind discourse has been 'thrown to the dogs' on 
FFL to tear up by a lack of moderation let alone any self-control.

 The bullies have run most wild here unchecked because nice people were not 
protected and thoughtful folks often inside are afraid of embroiling mean 
conflict upon themselves enough to invest in it, provoking the bullying 
Turqb asserting..“For the record, I apologize for nothing. Rien. Nada. Nichevo. 
Bupkus. I meant everything I've ever said here, and stand by it fully.”

 In thinking together, people often may fail in process of creative thought out 
of fears to extend themselves individually in to the collective, for fear of 
engaging with evidently untrustworthy folks. Engagement that may provoke 
unfriendly embroilment which potentially might be brought on to themselves by 
stepping forward in conversation. 'Thinking as process' takes skills and 
practice to see dissonances as thinking and get good at it, to get beyond ego 
and not let it get out of control. Too many of the writers in character writing 
here derail creative thinking on FFL by their default to the assault of the 
personal invective instead of just commenting on a substance of the material 
brought. That abusive character has been really unfortunate for the larger FFL 

 The challenge of FFL as a forum community is to find constructive ways of 
engaging with people. That takes kindness, tolerance and patience as skillsets 
and practice to be able to think together and be creative, to look at and solve 
problems together. FFL is a long ways from that by a grip of vice of some folks 
who dominate FFL.

 Collaborating in 'Disconfirmation': seeking different ways of looking at 
models, of 'thinking' in constructive conflict.
 Thoughtful conversation seems a willing kind collaborative, a kind cooperative 
'process in disconfirmation'. By contrast a trust in kindness as element has 
been driven out of Fairfieldlife at Yahoo-groups by a dominant methodical use 
of personal invective in the ad hominem used as weapon to personally hurt 
people here.

 Collaboration in a type of, Love? In kindness to a creative process?

 Quite evidently thoughtful conversation takes a civil kind collaboration in 
self-control to have productive conversation. Some have done their poisonous 
work here with the communal well-spring.
 Collaboration? Could many folks dare at all to publicly disagree here on FFL 
anymore given the lack of self-restraint in the culture that remains on FFL? 
What is mostly missing now from the dominant FFL writing is a kindness to 
process, a love enough of collaboration that seems necessary enough for there 
to be creative thinking between people. Instead what we have is a culture of 
rudeness that has long interrupted the communal thinking here and driven people 

 The cultural place that was FFL seems to have been poisoned. The place 
evidently has died for lack of a willing collaboration as an oxygen that could 
include other points of view other than some caustic character of dominant 
internet haters and personalities in method. The cost to FairfieldLife at 
Yahoo-groups has been the loss of a forum for communal thinking.

 A pervasive unkindness in ad hominem-istic snark parading as 'intellectual 
retort', it's the dominant 'culture' here at FFL now, as the evident lack in 
thoughtful community culture here. Folks otherwise have come instead to fear to 
spend their time thinking here reading let alone posting here.  It is a sad 
commentary on how it has gone down for FFL. Many of the writers left here have 
in many ways become the people they revile, bullies like they see Bevan or 
others in the movement community.

 Salon, saloon or shalom; who would enter in to a place met with the likes of, 
“You Suck..” or “Fuck you” as first text lines or “You lying Fuck” as a subject 
 MJ, there was a long period of a poisonous malignancy here in the postings 
between a few people who came on before you came along and added to it in your 
way. FFL is just not a safe place for well-meaning people to loiter or join in 
hence most folks wandered out. Meditators and people around Fairfield here 
always go 'whew-phew' and roll their eyes about the reputation of FFL as a 
place for thoughtful dialogue whence FFL gets mentioned. FFL got wrecked a 
while ago as a community place that way. 
 mjackson74 wrote, well Buck how do you account for the departure of all the 
people who used to post on FFL in the years before I joined? Looking back at 
the archives, there were a whole bunch of folk who had already dropped out 
before I came along, so the fact that Judy, Anne, Jimmy the Enlightened and 
Nappy Nabby jumped ship does not seem to be that much of a recent trend.

 Yep, even Rick chooses to post substantial material elsewhere now instead of 
posting to FFL as to just shark-feeding for what is left remaining of FFL. A 
long list of people is now gone before us who had once helped further the 
culture of the list, mostly been driven off by an aggressive and appalling 
unkindness of culture in the ongoing personal shark-like attack by the ad 
hominem that evidently has become endemic here; that seeming 'professionals' 
default to use in their writing method instead of simply dealing with material 
posed. And those same complain about originality, thinking and lack of 
creativity..Nothing to see here folks. Just another person trying to blame the 
fact that he and the people he likes can't think of anything intelligent to say 
on the people they don't like.  :-)Good timing, Turqb,

 Left or driven off?  This as your thinking is fine as intelligent retort on 
one level Anartaxius except, the low post and dwindled active member counts may 
show something else.Looking in on the culture of what is FFL now, is it a 
surprise the numbers have dropped off when there is so much about Fairfield or 
larger spiritual matter being talked about otherwise by others actively 
involved in it? No, it is like the well was poisoned here by some.Ironically 
there is an evident invective that is intolerance to conversation here and to 
divergent idea by a concentration of some few who remain active posting here.

 It could be we are just getting on with our lives. Now that most of the TB 
crazies have left, some of the tart, sharp conversation has dwindled, and there 
are less opportunities for intelligent retorts. I think you would have welcomed 
the change. 'Intelligent retort'?

 We've not been very good at discussion here for some time on FFL and the place 
as a forum is nearly dead.Yep, visiting looking back in on Fairfieldlife at 
yahoo-groups evidently this is mostly a sad inhospitable place rendered down to 
some pulp substance of travelogue, movie reviews and the personal bickerings of 
a few.  Om, for what once was Fairfieldlife, -JaiGuruYou

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