
 I'm not sure what Barry has written here with this novella, but obviously 
anyone this unhappy with FFL should just up and start their own site as  has 
been suggested by Xeno.

 It is a little sad in fact to see this level of attachment from someone who 
professes to be the paragon of "non attachment"

 Go figure.

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote :



 I want to thank you for finally breaking your silence and commenting on the 
things you will "bear in mind" when looking for posters to censor. Uh, I mean 
"moderate," of course, because we all know that censorship would be BAD. 


 But I think you're wrong about the "reference" value of the post below, so I 
will tell you why:

 1. This post does NOT represent the feelings of all people who practice TM, 
although it claims to. Many on this forum who still practice TM and feel 
positively about Maharishi went out of their way at the time to comment that 
they did *NOT* feel "insulted" by the post this person is trying say was 
offensive and insulting. 


 2. This post is an attempt by one person to assert that she has the "right" to 
speak for ALL TMers and declare them all "insulted" by the post in question. 
She has neither that right, nor that ability. As mentioned in point #1, a few 
strong TMers spoke up back during the original furor saying that they did NOT 
find the post in question overly offensive, and that they did NOT feel 
personally offended by it. Thus the person writing this "brief" below is not 
only speaking for a group she has no right to speak for, she's WRONG in 
claiming that they would all feel "insulted." She's trying to claim (in 
essence) that what *she* felt is what *everyone* who practices TM would feel. 


 3. She's even WRONG about the insulting nature of the post. While the language 
used to create the metaphor for a certain mindset is admittedly over the top 
(for effect), the mindset is very real, and has been documented many times in 
the past -- on this forum and elsewhere. Every time a person knew that 
Maharishi in real life did and said things that his PR and his dogma claimed he 
was incapable of doing -- and *ignored* what they knew about what went on in 
real life -- they were exhibiting this mindset. 

I call the mindset "Attempting to deal with cognitive dissonance by denying the 
existence of the conflicting reality that goes against what they've been told 
to believe." For example, every time one of the skin boys told someone that 
Maharishi never "entertained" women in his room after hours *when they knew 
better because they were there and let the women in*, they were exhibiting this 
mindset. We have *several* of these skin boys on record as belatedly admitting 
to have lied in this fashion. Or take the TM teachers who, if asked, would 
swear on a stack of Gitas that Maharishi was *incapable* of being dishonest or 
breaking the law because he was so "in tune with the laws of nature" that being 
dishonest would be impossible for him. Then remember that some of the TM 
teachers saying this had *themselves* been asked by Maharishi to illegally 
carry large sums of money from Europe to the US, or from Europe to India. They 
*knew* he was capable of breaking the law because he had asked them to do it 
for him, but when asked, they denied that he was even *capable* of breaking the 


 THAT is the mindset I'm speaking about, and that my metaphor was carefully 
chosen to represent. It exists. It's more prevalent than people like the author 
of the screed below want to admit. 


 4. A *group* cannot feel "insulted" -- only individual humans can feel 
insulted. This is the problem posed by radical Muslims who claim that saying 
something they don't like about Mohammed is heresy and "insults" ALL Muslims. 
Bullshit. 95% of Muslims don't give a shit what some person from another 
religion or from no religion says about Mohammed. The people claiming that a 
*group* is offended are just posturing and demonstrating faux outrage. Below, 
this person is trying to "recruit" people who feel like they're a part of the 
group she's "faux defending" into agreeing with her, and feel "insulted" by 
what I posted. Unfortunately for her, many members of the TMer "group" here on 
FFL *didn't*, so she failed even in that. 


 5. Finally, the last and most important point -- and the one that those like 
the person below who are *still* trying to use this moderator boondoggle to 
"get" the people they've obsessively hated for decades want to obscure -- is 
that all of this is IN THE PAST. As such, it is not "admissible evidence" when 
attempting to moderate or ban anyone in the future. 


 Buck has elsewhere *claimed* that he will base his decisions as a moderator on 
current activity. I don't actually believe him, or believe him capable of doing 
so, but he *has* claimed it, so if he ever tries to moderate someone based on 
their supposed "history," everyone has the right to say, "Now WAIT a minute, can't do that. You have to show us the exact post you feel is 
offensive, and it has to have been made since you became moderator and claimed 
in public that you would allow everyone to 'start over clean.'" 


 Doug, I do not envy you the task you've set for yourself. I think you were 
quite foolish to undertake it, in fact. But since you have, I really *AM* 
trying to help by pointing out errors of thinking that -- if you follow them -- 
will result in making FFL as a group and you as a person into a laughing stock 
and cause them to lose ANY credibility whatsoever. Falling for an appeal such 
as the one below -- that claims to speak for an entire group and claims that 
the entire group was "insulted" just because one person says so -- would be one 
of those errors. 


 I hope that you will prove yourself wise enough in the future to figure these 
things out for yourself. Until then, you may expect me to keep commenting on 
them to help you put them into a perspective that represents a larger slice of 
the population of Fairfield Life than the voices attempting to use you to "get" 
people they don't like. 


 From: "dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 4:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Moderating The Peep Show
 Thanks, Authfriend your post here seems a fair brief of a time on FFL. I will 
keep it at hand as a reference going forward.


 ---In, <authfriend@...> wrote :

 If one were to be actually honest, instead of just pretending to be, two 
points would need to be made:

 1. The "insult" wasn't really to Maharishi; it was to those who revere him. It 
was said that if they had witnessed him sexually abusing a baby, they would 
nevertheless continue to maintain he was a life celibate. The hypothetical 
image of Maharishi abusing a baby was tasteless and offensive, but it was the 
vicious slur on his followers that triggered the upset and outrage.

 2. It wasn't just this one entirely gratuitous insult, malicious as it was, 
that led TM supporters to walk out. This was just the most recent in a very 
long and relentless sequence of savage, sadistic insults by TM critics 
personally targeting TM supporters.


 Barry wrote, in part:
 Which is interesting in the context of all this this latest soap opera 
hysteria on Fairfield Life, because if people are honest, what it's really 
about is that a few living people became so offended at what was said in 
passing about a dead person that they went bat-shit crazy. 




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