<j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 I'd still like the moderation process to be a bit more transparent, but if 
Doug and Rick discussed the Turq situation, then for me, the issue is settled. 

Geeze, Alex, that's so cleverly Swiss of you.  Heh.  Keyword of yours: "if" -- 
you're in the dark it seems, but come on, be a mensch and ASK RICK FOR US what 
in the hell he's being shy about.  YOU HAVE EASY ACCESS AND INTIMACY.  RICK'LL 

His new hired gun is pissing off half the party goers, and why the stressin' on 
us?  We'd love a report from you about Rick's response. 

Or, tell us you're management and are part of a circling of the wagons, and 
hey, maybe I'll understand, but no I won't cuz I'm being a dick about this 
issue.  Gotta be consistent.  You fer or agin us?  Take a stand.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <geezerfreak@...> wrote :

 Alex:  Regardless of how folks feel about Turq, moderation should be carried 
out transparently, and not in a secret, undefined manner. So far, this 
experiment with Doug as moderator is starting to remind me of when Rick put an 
Amma fanatic in charge of moderating the Amma free speech group, with the end 
result being the loss of free speech and the creation of the Amma Real Free 
Speech group.


 Me: 100% agree Alex. I looked in late last week as part of my 
once-every-few-months look and was appalled to see what is going on. Turq was 
ALWAYS an interesting and entertaining poster, only rivaled by Curtis IMO. And 
now this guy Buck/Doug is running roughshod on the group deciding who is 'on 
program' and who is not? Fuck that, that is EXACTLY the kind of TMO bullshit 
that drove me from the organization in the first place.

 Rick, you once told me that Doug was "really a great guy" when I complained 
about his Buck persona to you privately years ago. I'm not in a position to 
know what kind of guy he is, great or otherwise, but he is so clearly a fucking 
joke of a moderator. Seriously, Rick are you kidding me? Unless you yourself 
have gone insane I refuse to believe you think Doug is the man for this job. 
Say it ain't so Rick!

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