From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 3:58 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: WHAT THE HELL? (Great Beyond Dispatch 
#2)---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :---In, <anartaxius@...> wrote :

So FFL is still the best bet to find a decent conversation,
What, on the whole internet? I realize you don't get out much but this is 
rather far fetched.
I am talking about spiritual groups related to TM
Xeno, until we removed the biggest impediment to a real conversation this place 
was being relentlessly moderated by that impediment. No one was exempt from his 
malicious and twisted lies and false allegations, not to mention bone-headed 
conclusions, except those who agreed with and stroked his ego. For you to 
assert that FFL, of all places, was "the best place to find a decent 
conversation", is perverse if not simply bizarre.
It is the ideas and what you can learn from them, or make out of them, not the 
people that propose them that I find interesting. What you do not like, skip 
over or delete (if you interact by email). Perhaps all of us have had an idol 
that did not live up to the image we pretended to ourselves that they were. In 
the movement, even shortly after one started to get involved with TM, there 
were strange warning signs something was amiss, and we would ignore it. The 
main problem is human beings are never ever really a match for the ideals they 
create. Still, we can sometimes extract value out of a 
much-less-than-what-we-would-consider-ideal situation.

Funny, I wrote a post about this very thing to MJ. The big difference was I 
made it personal, I used "I" a lot whereas you tend to keep things in the 
abstract. Dry and brittle, a tad pedantic; I'm hoping you weren't a teacher or 
professor in your working days - the class would have been on snooze fer sure. 
Sorry, but it's true.
No, I was not a teacher or a professor, so no one had to fall asleep on my 
account. I used to live next to a professor of engineering. He would come over 
and talk for hours in a monotone. Most of the time, in 'person' I don't talk 
that much. As for an 'I', you think you are a person. Too bad, what a loss.

Ho, ho, hee, hee, snort. That is fucking hilarious!! And thank you for that. 
You have seriously missed the boat, lost the thread, stumbled off the platform. 
There is no loss Xeno, you evidently misunderstood something when you became 
"enlightened" or read the wrong book or misinterpreted some sage. There is no 
"too bad" for living amid personhood. I can vouch for that. Whatever you have 
lost, you need to find it again, and soon before you leave that body of yours.
It's all in the eye of the beholder, and it's 'eye', not eyes. POVs are not 
interchangeable. I have not lost anything that is real. I lost a lot of other 
stuff though. I could lose some more; it is a waste of time to seek what cannot 
be found.

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