Yes, I've spoken French in France. Parisian French which was unfortunately not what was spoken in that province. I had about 4 years of French, two in high school and almost two in college. It was by no means my best subject but I would credit that to teachers who were "Frenchophiles" and not "language teachers." Over the past 40 years language training has evolved and I would hope "Frenchophiles" are no longer trying to teach French in schools.

I got stuck with French because I changed schools in my last two years of high school and French was the only language class that had an opening. Most of my classmates took German because it's easiest for English speakers to learn. Spanish would have been more practical but also popular in farm country because you could practice with some of the Mexican classmates.

I didn't know Hindi when I went to India but did know Sanskrit and of course Devanagari. So I could read signs in the latter many of which were spelling English words posted right below. :-D

On 07/07/2015 10:58 AM, Share Long [FairfieldLife] wrote:
bhairitu, but would you use French if the baker was genuinely French? Indeed, who among us would be so brave as to speak French to a native?!

I sometimes say "bon appetite" when eating out with friends. Kind of saying grace, but in a way that honors the body. And needless to say, the friends aren't French!

Forget French and Italian and Hindi. How's your Mandarin coming along?
*From:* "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:49 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

Using "jai guru dev" shows ignorance on the part of TM'ers. It is a phrase used by many paths to acknowledge their teacher not just TM and usually not used in public. To refer to SBS as "Guru Dev" is incorrect in protocol. Other people have their own "Guru Dev".

I like to use phrases to kid folks. We have a photography shop where the owner studied French cooking and makes some wonderful baked goods he sells at the Sunday farmer's market. I always greet with "bon matin" (good morning) and we all have a laugh. Then I order in French. The woman assisting at the booth doesn't know French but knows some Italian. I tried "namaste" the other day but then said "oh wait, that's Hindi" which we all laughed about.

On 07/07/2015 09:37 AM, Share Long <> [FairfieldLife] wrote:
Hi Curtis,
Well I'm completely appalled when people greet each other with Jai Guru Dev! That's kind of what I'm poking at. I honor that someone honors another human being and have been known to say "namaste" myself. But saying Jai Guru Dev rather than hello seems like a highjacking of a sincere honoring and turning it into something rote and meaningless. Warning: more softening ahead! OTOH, I acknowledge that I might be wrong about a person's inner experience when they say Jai Guru Dev. Nonetheless, I think a good course of action is to trust my own instincts about another's sincerity and/or groundedness. And I further recognize that people perhaps say Jai Guru Dev in an intentional way, intending to have a deeper experience of life. I'm happy if it works for them.

I think you especially but also Xeno, empty and barry2 generally take an intellectual, philosophical and fascinating approach to discussing TM, etc. I enjoy reading these but tend to have a more psychological angle on the world. Such an angle can degenerate into analyzing people's childhood issues and personalities and lifestyles. Enjoyment then can be less.

Ok, Curtis, now to address your main point, or at least attempt to. And it totally has to do with the reason I wish you guys would visit here. As best as I can tell, lots of people here aren't going by any guru's insights. Nor even by any guru's experiences. They are living by their own insights and experiences.
That for me is proof of TM's efficacy.

When in SCI I heard Maharishi say that TM transcends its own activity, I had a flash of insight. That TM totally liberates the seeker, even from itself, to use an awkward wording. And I admit it leads to a conundrum: one is filled with gratitude for a system one no longer needs! I don't know, maybe it's just a GC phase (-:

I'd be interested in hearing one concept from SCI that you think is "wrong." And also what exactly you mean by "wrong." Harmful to life?
*From:* " [FairfieldLife]" <[FairfieldLife]> <> <> *To:* <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2015 10:22 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

Hi Share. Comments below.

---In <>, <sharelong60@...> <mailto:sharelong60@...> wrote :

salyavin, Jai Guru You! I love how you keep saying bye but remain. Yay!

Me: Maharishi would have been appalled by this hijacking of his way to honor his master. He was completely against this even when it was directed toward him. The concept of a guru in the way Maharishi used this term is antithetical to human equality. By combining the buzz word terminology used to maintain a hierarchy with an idea of egalitarianism it basically cancels out the intellectual value and integrity of both ideas and philosophies.
But you ignored my main point which is people are saying negative stuff and haven't even been in Fairfield, Ground Zero, in decades! Come on guys, get a little hands on and current experience before you wade in! Get a little present day skin in the game!

Me: The philosophy of Maharishi is what most people are challenging, not the eclectic beliefs of many FF residents. When I am criticizing Maharishi's teaching, it is targeted at the core beliefs that underlie many movement participant's philosophies. For example, if you believe in the concept of a guru as a person with the kind of insight into l! ife claimed by gurus, then the difference between how this belief gets mixed up in a personal philosophy is irrelevant to the challenge to the idea. Saying for example, "I believe Maharishi was enlightened and that enlightened people know the reality of life but I don't follow what he says exactly" is just a statement about how incongruent most people's philosophies are. It is not a refutation of the challenge that guru's have not provided enough evidence to support their claims to special states of mind and knowledge about the world.

But having said that, I realize it's just my opinion, just my preference. And I'm a little OCD so some of the repetition zones me out. My bad!

Me: I guess you say this kind of thing to soften your having a personal opinion on something here. I don't believe you need to apologize for that. I think it is great that you love FFL and have chosen those beliefs out of Maharishi's system that serve you. My criticism of his teaching is never a personal attack on your life choices. I wish you lots of happiness and good things for your life while believing sincerely that Maharishi's philosophy is wrong on almost everything it claims.

Yes, life, Jai Guru Life, abounds in irony (-:

I finally looked up TTFN...
*From:* salyavin808 <> <> *To:* <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2015 7:27 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates

---In <>, <sharelong60@...> <mailto:sharelong60@...> wrote :

Though I will miss salyavin's science contributions and Xeno's dry humor and rationality, turq's passion and urbanity, I will enjoy immensely the absence of the deluge of anti TMO offerings, largely because they are made far far away from Ground Zero, so to speak. And I will even more immensely enjoy the more tamasic of said negative rantings. Rajo guna I don't mind so much (-:

Hey, whatdya know , I'm still here! Jai Guru Me!

But I don't really think there's been a deluge of anti-TMO offerings. What I recall is a lot of people who have personal and first hand experience of the weird cult that is TM have expressed - and justified - opinions that people like you and Buck don't like.

Why you don't like it is a mystery to me, this is - or was - a discussion room for people with opinions about TM, the TMO and anything else, to share. It's all on the home page.

But now Buck has assumed control and deleted all the interesting posters this place is now effectively just a bliss bunny forum with n! othing to say. This is sad. The natural conclusion of censorship is that the only posts remaining are the ones nobody wants to read.

Look at what Buck used as an excuse to get rid of MJ. It's pathetic. I can't believe you lot are just going to go along with it and not object. But I guess that's what lifetime in a cult does for you. I remember being in the TMO and voicing a contrary opinion and was told that this is a dictatorship and my opinion wasn't relevant if it contradicted Marshy.

Funny thing is, Buck was a victim of this fearful fascism and banned from the domes for ages. He came here to rant about it.

Now he's back in the fold he's come over all Jai Guru Dev and wants to treat us (you) the same way he was treated.

Ironic huh?

Just this morning I was reading that a couple of spiritual teachers are saying that too much social media damages the third eye. One of them is actually closing all of his FB pages.

Probably just doesn't like the ability of people to offer a contrary opinion.

Bye salyavin, xeno and turq, wishing you all much happiness and good health, etc.

Yeah, and you Share. You have been a source of fun here when you posted more. And I got some good book recommendations from you. I always thank people who open my eyes to things.

Somehow I'll have to find something else to do on my tea break!

TTFN ;-)
*From:* "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" <mailto:steve.sundur@...[FairfieldLife]> <> <> *To:* <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 7, 2015 12:02 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostates


I read xeno's post this morning, but couldn't reply. (of course it's all in the yahoo/ffl/mailarchive), but I guess a line was crossed.

Too bad, cuz I like xeno's brand of cynicism for the most part, and of course, that dry, dry sense of humor.

That will not easily be replaced, IMO.

---In <>, <dhamiltony2k5@...> <mailto:dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

Dear Xenophaneros Anartaxius you are well aware of the yahoo-groups guidelines of invading privacy or slurring people on yahoo-groups. Bye.

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