---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <curtisdeltablues@...> wrote :

 --In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <authfriend@...> wrote :
 It's quite amazing that both salyavin and Curtis, intelligent as they are, are 
still complaining loudly about the imaginary notion that Doug is out to ban 
people who express negative opinions of TM. It doesn't matter how many people 
tell them what Ann does below (highlighted in red); they simply can't "hear" 
it: The problem on FFL has not been criticism of TM, it's been gross incivility 
and misrepresentation, primarily by TM critics toward TM supporters. That's 
what Doug was appointed by Rick to correct, and so far that's what he's done by 
bouncing three of the guilty parties. 

 If Doug starts to censor negative opinions of TM, you're not just going to 
hear complaints from the TM critics; TM supporters won't stand for it either.

Me: When I was studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu we used to use a trick to get 
someone to extend their arm so we could lock it and win the match by forcing 
them to tap out. When we got on top of them we would push on their throat. This 
would cause a reflex from them to try to push us away by extending their arm. 
So to attack the arm we went for the neck. This is what made is such an 
intellectual sport, like body chess. 

You and I are interpreting what happened that lead to Barry and Michael getting 
the boot. By hitting Barry with an outrageous accusation of violating the Yahoo 
guidelines by criticizing David Lynch, Barry reflexively extended his arm. It 
was an outrageous claim and a trumped up charge and it inspired an emotional 
response from Barry about Buck's unsuitability as a moderator in the context of 
an appeal to Rick to stop him before he did what he ended up doing.

 Gee, and this after your lecture about not getting emotional when badmouthed. 
Barry could have made his objections known with civility; he chose not to. 
Sorry, but "reflex" doesn't cut it in this context, and you wouldn't propose or 
accept it as an excuse for someone whose views you didn't share losing it on an 
Internet forum.
It is not as if  Buck has not been very clear about his view of speaking ill of 
the TM teaching. He has spent years and pretty tirelessly promoted the idea 
that he views it as on a par with terrorism. After having labeled people who 
left TM as quitters and other terms mostly used in religious contexts, he has 
weighed in on free speech. He is not a fan. Drone strikes were used as images 
to express his opinion about apostates. So it kind of makes sense that people 
who were in his target demo would feel the laser sight, and low and behold,

 (lo and behold = look and see)

 he got the two most vocal critics of TM off the site. Coincidence? Not for me.

 The two most vocal were also the two most uncivil.

Some of the worst offenders of this new policy moved to another site before we 
could really test if this rule would be selectively enforced or not.

 Actually the three who were bounced did. None of the others who have shown up 
there have been big offenders. (Well, maybe Edg.) Salyavin is still here as 
well as there. 

 So with all the civility appropriate to the new FFL: I believe that your 
opportunity to stand up for the principle of free speech here was missed in 
your sense of personal satisfaction that an old rival got canned.


 Yeah, you said that before. Wishful thinking. Too bad  you haven't got a 
better argument than one based on mind-reading.

 Your view requires you to ignore what Buck has already written about ad 
nauseam as the prelude to how he has actually used his new found power.

 It does not so require unless one leads to the other, which it hasn't so far. 
As I said, if Doug starts banning people for their negative opinions of TM 
rather than incivility, you'll hear from TM supporters too. But he's innocent 
until proven guilty, by me. Seems to me you've convicted him before he's 
committed any crimes as moderator.

From a previous discussion of ours, I was able to locate the email from Rick 
where he states clearly that Buck had been bugging him for years to let him 
clean up the group. All the time he was posting those tirades about critics 
being terrorists he was bugging Rick to implement the very plan he has carried 
out. Rick was concerned that Buck would show up instead of Doug.

 Rick told me that Buck would be moderating as Doug, not Buck. This before it 
was official.

  I believe we also disagree on which one is now on FFL. As an expert in 
language forms yourself, I am surprised that you refer to him by a different 

 You mean, his real name, the one he's been posting under.

 considering his use of the same tortured language style that Buck was infamous 
for using.

 Doug's language style has always been tortured (although it's not as bad as 
you pretend) whether he was appearing as Buck or himself. That isn't what makes 
the difference.

 Rick has not authorized Doug to "clean up the group" by banning folks because 
of their negative opinions of TM, but rather to clean up the incivility, which 
he's been doing.

 Speaking of which, my recollection is that his "terrorist" and "drone strikes" 
comments had to do with the critics' vicious attacks on TM supporters rather 
than their opinions about TM.

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