In t3rinity's *very first pompous post*, he told one of his many lies about 
me--that I was among those "who all too eagerly line up behind the fascist 
mindset of Buck."

 I suppose I could have retaliated with a lie about t3rinity, but I'm not 
"drawn that way," as Barry might say. And I was struck by the extraordinary 
personality differences between t3rinity in 2008, as exemplified in that post, 
and t3rinity today.

 So yes, it was a matter of taking him down a peg. And it did the job, just one 
post instead of a big long exchange of insults and invective (and lies on his 
part). If Barry was also embarrassed by it, that was collateral damage, but I 
doubt he was--especially after t3rinity groveled at his feet and begged his 

 Now everyone there knows a little more about both of them than they did 
before, and I've unsubscribed.

---In, <> wrote :


---In, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Yes, that post from t3rinity in 2008 really captures who Barry "is".

 I thought it inadvertently revealed who Judy is. Imagine the thought process 
that remembered a post from long ago that she thought might be embarrassing to 
two people, searching for it, joining the group and hoping it does the job she 
never managed to do herself.

 Who does that? Does it sound like a reasonable way to spend the day? And what 
did she put in the reason for joining box on the site; "I've got some muck to 

 I'm embarrassed on her behalf.



 And that "is", is that he is really, his own cult.

 Perhaps that's the reason he talks about cults so much.

 If you subscribe to some things Curtis has written, you should always be 
suspicious of the topics people constantly bring up, especially it they make a 
repeated, and concerted effort to distance themselves from the given subject or 
behavior in question.

 You see it all the time with politicians who champion anti gay legislation.

 Those are one to look for as being closeted gays.

 With Barry, everything is hunky dory so long as you go along with his opinions.

 But you veer off, and don't correct in time, and....................... "his" 
cult pattern emerges.

 And since we're sorta on the topic, even though you have often referred to Sal 
Sunshine, as "stupid", I would not go that far, simply out of courtesy, but she 
sure is clueless as to any kind of social cues.

 Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as happy and gabby as she is, even 
if she does excel at making a fool of herself.

 Oh, one other thing.  I did get a big laugh out of Barry fashioning himself as 
some sort of humanitarian after someone posted that personal information about 

 As he seems to be gearing up for an awards ceremony at some point, it sounds 
like for the 10th plus year (in a row), he is going to be the recipient of the 
"Inadvertent Irony Award"  (-:

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