Yep—balance was lost.  Personally, watching the way the old FFL would 
*collectively* "right itself" and move past "conflicts" to different ground was 
always fascinating for me.  Subjectively speaking, I think it would have been 
nice if the "mean drunk" had been thrown in the "drunk tank" for a drying out 
period earlier.  But, it hadn't been built yet. :)  (He didn't have the 
wherewithal to start his own gig, I guess, which given the level and type of 
moaning and attack about others he was engaged with, one would think he would 
have done. It is always a difficult decision to oust a "player."  In the real 
world, I have been on teams where one person threatened to take down the whole 
group and had to be removed. And, it was messy.  In the virtual world, where 
limits and lines on concrete don't exist in the same fashion, it all becomes a 
social experiment of a different nature, imho.  

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <emily.mae50@...> wrote :

 The Amma forum I was a member of for awhile was very heavily moderated and all 
posts were supposedly read and approved ahead of time.  The moderator was 
pretty black-and-white clear about exactly what the purpose of that particular 
forum was and why she put herself and everyone else through that.  I remember 
one of my posts got bounced once - not for language issues but because it 
wasn't "relevant" in the right way. Any time that level of subjective judgement 
is introduced into the mix, the flavor of the forum becomes a reflection of the 
moderator to some degree, but I was given an explanation, as I remember.  I 
didn't disagree—what did I know about forums and also about Amma, really?  Back 
then, given my high state of anxiety, my perceptions were colored. I was 
directed here and what a great thing that turned out to be for me. Thank God, I 
say, for the FFL that I arrived at. I needed that level of free-form and 
free-wheeling posting and conversation and debate.  Personally, I believe there 
is a line that can be crossed…and I think BW crossed it and I would have ousted 
his butt too….if I was Queen of the forum.  Would that have been permanent or 
temporary? I would have given him a sentence of 6 months or a year.  And, then 
he would have been on probation.  You know—standard procedure.  

 Interesting. I am not a forum participant except for FFL and The Peak so it's 
all new to me. There has to be a balance between allowing space for others to 
speak without trolls (for lack of a better term or a more complex definition) 
dominating the place - like mean drunks do. It is like living with an alcoholic 
to have domineering trolls forever in your face trying to run the show. I know 
there is a fine balance between keeping a forum open enough to allow all sorts 
of voices but not so unregulated that the haters and "drunks" run the show. 
Like most things, FFL will figure itself out, even if that means it fades away. 
Too many of the former, more interesting voices, left even before Doug took 
over moderation - well before. 

---In, <j_alexander_stanley@...> wrote :

 Will you be informing people, either publicly or privately, that you have put 
them on moderated status?

In my opinion, people who have been active, valid participants should at least 
be made aware that they've been put on moderated status. I think they deserve 
to know.

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Evidently Yahoo!'s guidelines for their groups are also about fostering a 
self-discipline of self-moderation in civil non-violent behavior. As such some 
writers here by manifest basis of their willful exploitative and harassing 
writing relative to the Yahoo-groups guidelines are going to find newly that 
they have been disciplined, reduced at least to a 'moderated' membership 
status.   'Moderated', as in a mechanism that Yahoo! provides for active 
moderation and protection of their lists, meaning that composed posts sent to 
Yahoo-groups may be read at a leisure of moderators as to whether a writing 
comes well within the guidelines provided by Yahoo-groups before posts  might 
be released to a general list [FFL in this case] for publication.  It seems the 
expectation of Yahoo!'s Yahoo-groups guidelines for their groups are really 
quite civil and simple.  As FairfieldLife at Yahoo-groups goes forward as a 
Yahoo-group take a fresh look at the Yahoo-groups guidelines and be welcome: -JaiGuruYou!     


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