it helps geez, in my opinion to keep the dialog honest. 

 what you describe below, has been helpful for many in sorting out their 
experience in the TMO.

 It's been that way for me, and I suspect, Ann.

 What happens though, is that after enough times of being accused of being a 
cult apologist, or a true believer, or a cunt too stupid to live, you sort of 
sour on the whole concept as laid out by the founding father.

---In, <geezerfreak@...> wrote :

 I see. So unless you have something nice to say about MMY or the TMO, keep yer 
yap shut, is that it? 

 Here's the deal, if you want that perspective you have it in spades with the 
official TMO sites, and, increasingly, what is left of this one.

 This site was created by Rick to provide a place for those with varying 
opinions about their time in the TMO or with TM in general to be able to speak 

 Now, on to your question: "Has anyone here actually changed the mind of 
someone, really altered their stance, on anything here at FFL?" 
 Hard to believe you are actually serious in posing this but perhaps you just 
haven't been reading FFL long enough or paying attention. Do I have time to 
pull out all the examples of folk who have changed their perceptions of the TMO 
or MMY as a result of the information they read here? No, someone who has a lot 
more time on their hands than I do can fill in the many blanks for you. 
 But I will give you one. There were many here who found the idea of MMY having 
multiple sexual partners back in the day difficult to comprehend. One of these 
was Judy from what I recall. But as accounts began to pile up and be reported 
here, and as Judy began to learn of more accounts that have yet to be reported 
due to privacy concerns, her feelings about this having happened evolved. 
 There are many more, 100s more examples of people whose perceptions changed as 
a result of what they read here over the years. 
 If you are really that interested in this go back and read through FFL over 
the years to see for yourself. 
 Do I hate meditation? Hardly, I enjoy it and do it every day. 
 Do I dislike the way the TMO often conducts itself? Yes, I do. Will I continue 
to speak up about it when I have the time to spend here and at FFL2? Yes, I 
 Is that OK with you? 



  >I really think, based on those who post here or used to, that one's 
to continually harp on about the Movement and its dead guru were the ones who 
fell hook, line and sinker for all of it. I am not sure there is one alleged 
fact of what MMY did or didn't do posted here that has not been posted or heard 
about numerous times before. I get it: some will support the Movement and MMY's 
memory in an ongoing way and others will continue to drone on about it 
negatively forever more. I have asked this question once and I will, 
rhetorically, ask it again. Has anyone here actually changed the mind of 
someone, really altered their stance, on anything here at FFL? Did anyone 
saying MMY is a great guy change the opinion of the other guy who says he was a 
fraud? Did the person who holds to their stance that they have had great 
experiences with TM and its founder ever read a negative review here and 
suddenly realize what their experiences were and how they perceived MMY was all 
bunk? I'm thinking I know the answer to that but I could be wrong. Srijau could 
be reassessing everything as we speak based on Geezerfreak's thoughtful and 
studied recent posts.


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