Look any defense of MMY meets with criticism in some quarters, but it seems 
just as likely that because TM was "teaching movement" as much as a "knowledge 
movement", that it may have made more sense to have some prohibition on this 
"seeing other teachers" prohibition. 

 I would say it was for this more practical reason than jealousy, but of course 
jealousy meets the requirement to ascribe the most negative of motives to MMY 
for just about anything.

 Makes one feel good, I guess.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

 Other gurus encourage their followers to visit other saints and to learn 
additional things from them.  Maharishi wanted to jealously shelter his 
 On 08/02/2015 08:18 AM, geezerfreak@... mailto:geezerfreak@... [FairfieldLife] 

   Me: So you were in Chicago seeing another guru? SO off the program! 
 And what, exactly are "serious meditators"?



 You: Well, met several old TM’ers at these meditations too.  Found an old TM 
teacher from San Francisco who was at MIU in Santa Barbara meditating here too. 
  These are long meditations that draw serious meditators to this retreat.  Lot 
of people and a lot of different paths.  New Jersey is far enough rom Iowa that 
there are not so many Fairfield meditators that traveled here.  Not like last 
month in Chicago where there were a few hundred Fairfield meditators at 
Ammachi’s meetings or earlier in the year when Fairfield traveled to be with 
Mother Meera.  




 Geezer writes: 
 I dunno man, that sounds WAY off the program and hardly Dome-worthy!



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