So I have about as much respect for someone who says "take my god or I'll send 
you to him" as I do a cockroach.
 They can try but tell them you're a tantrik and can put their soul in a bottle 
and hide it away in a cave.  They'll probably run screaming.  You see they 
believe in Jinns or "genies".
 According to Islam, Jinns are made of “fire” while humans are made from 
“clay”. Humans souls cannot be put into a bottle unless by “bottle” you mean 
 Jesus can be put into a bottle and distributed to the “faithful” as Eucharist, 
since Jesus is a substance (hypoastasis) that needs to be “ingested” to be 
assimilated. That is very Tantrik  in viewpoint (i.e. think NeoPlatonic 
Theurgy) and very liturgical. 
 Muslims can only be put into a bottle like Islamic State since the Islamic 
State is a group of demons that can only murder, rape and enslave - as did 
their Prophet.  
 Nuke them demons and free the people of the Levant from the cancer of Islam. 



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