I work with Iranians. They are as intelligent as the Arabs are phools. You say some don't appear to be hard-core muslims? Many that are here in 'Smerica are not but that doesn't matter.
When musselmen arrive in a country they go to work to get money to send back to their wives. Then they congregate with other musselmen in the mosque and make their connections. When they increase their population sufficiently, then they agitate to institute Shariah in their own communities (as in Britain). Once the population shifts to a majority then their Imans agitate for majority rule of Shariah Law. According to on of the great authorities on Islam, Iman Muhammad Al-Ghazali (a great sufi and a hard-core jurist), Musselmen have no validity inhabiting the environs of the Kufur (infidels) unless they are advancing the supremacy of Islam. You speak as if you know, yet you are as ignorant about Islam as the common 'Serican. If you knew more you would be embarrassed but you are too clueless to realize your ignorance. Shut up and submit 'Smerican. You cannot hold Islam back. Give up your idolatrous Tantra or be "purified" - stinkun Kufur! You will only be allowed to live as long as Allah wills. Yer just a slave - understand it or not.