Apple's plans land with a thud:

Apps are the future of TV? There have been TVs with apps on them for several years now. But Apple aways takes a page from Goebbels to make it look like they invented it. Before their was the iPod there were MP3 players. Before there was the iPhone there were other smart phones starting with the Symbian phones back in the late 1990s.

And a $100 pencil that Jobs never wanted?

Apple is the Calvin Klein of computers. They get you to spend more money than you should because of a logo.

On 09/09/2015 07:30 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Is Apple dead like Steve Jobs? Wow! 3D touch. Can't wait, eh? Sounds
like innovation left Cupertino. Maybe Google is paying more. Apple has
plenty of money but what will the blow it all on? I'm hearing a lot of
jabs from the tech sector about today's Apple announcements being a
joke. Apple has always been a cult.

Haha, a rather large cult. Apple will be a long time thriving and being loved. Ironically, I am sitting next to my husband, a true Mac lover, listening to the latest Apple Special Event broadcast from SF. Apple products are elegant, sexy and desirable.

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