My point was that with Jobs gone Apple seems to be falling apart. Was it his quirky wisdom that made it a success? The reason Petra loves the Apple stuff is because they are designed like toys. That's not an insult but a design principal Jobs insisted on: KISS. I can see it but I can't because I don't own any Macs either than an ancient Blueberry I fell owner too that is gathering dust in the garage.

I recently was looking at their app store and it hasn't changed much in 3 years. Google keeps revamping and updating theirs. No wonder Android is leading 3 to 1 in sales. There IS one thing that Jobs didn't want that might help: allow developers to develop iOS apps on other platforms like Windows and Linux. One can to an extent but usually to ship you still need a Mac.

On 09/10/2015 06:05 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Best thing I ever did was get Petra completely switched over to Apple products. Android was never a good fit for her, and when US Cellular finally decided to carry the iPhone, I got her one. Because it's the same OS as her beloved iPad, she had no problems with it. On Android, all she'd do was phone and text; on the iPhone, she checks her email, looks at the weather, tracks the stock market, etc. Granted, all that can be done on Android, but she could never figure it out. A few months ago, I finally got her switched over from her crappy Vista laptop to an iMac.

As for me, I love my MacBook and iPads, but I still prefer Android for my phone and Windows for my desktop PC.

---In, <> wrote :

---In <>, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Is Apple dead like Steve Jobs? Wow! 3D touch. Can't wait, eh? Sounds
like innovation left Cupertino. Maybe Google is paying more. Apple has
plenty of money but what will the blow it all on? I'm hearing a lot of
jabs from the tech sector about today's Apple announcements being a
joke. Apple has always been a cult.

Haha, a rather large cult. Apple will be a long time thriving and being loved. Ironically, I am sitting next to my husband, a true Mac lover, listening to the latest Apple Special Event broadcast from SF. Apple products are elegant, sexy and desirable.

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