
 The kid was playing a joke on the school system and the cops as a form of 
protest, which appears to fit his passive-aggressive personality (as stated by 
one cop).   This caught Obama's attention since he himself was harassed and 
suspected of wrong-doing in his youth for being black.  This incident is 
similar to a "DWB" (driving while black) case that is fairly common in big 
cities in the USA.

 The kid's case could be considered SWM (studying while Muslim).


---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 I just took the whole story as being a typical zero tolerance  in school 
situation. Over the years there have been numerous kids expelled or suspended 
for drawing guns or one 6 year old that ate his pop tart into the shape of a 
gun and pointed it at someone.Kid was kicked out or received suspension and the 
parents are still fighting it., trying to get it expunged from his school 
record. However, there are several stories out there giving a different side to 
the clock/bomb.story. Seems his dad is an activist Muslim, maybe with CAIR, not 
sure. Could have been a set up for a suit.The box looked much more suspicious 
than a pop tart. In one video of the kid explaining what happened, at the 1:26 
point in the video he says,I used a zip tie to close it so it wouldn't look 
dangerous or threatening. Kind of a subtle admission that it did or could. I 
think the handcuffs were a bit over- doing it. But the teacher did the absolute 
right thing to take it and the kid to the office and report it. I rarely agree 
with Bil Maher on anything but he was absolutely right on this. Draw a gun and 
get suspended, bring a box that has the appearance of a bomb and get invited to 
the WH.


 From: "jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 5:14 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Was It Planned to Go Viral?
 The Muslim lad from Texas had an ulterior motive for getting arrested with the 
alleged clock parts, according to Richard Dawkins.  Atheists seem to have a 
dislike to Ahmed Mohamed since Bill Maher is saying the same thing.  Are they 

 Richard Dawkins Accuses Ahmed Mohamed Of Committing 'Fraud'
 Richard Dawkins Accuses Ahmed Mohamed Of Commi...
 Richard Dawkins' dubious Twitter form underwent a further mutation on Sunday, 
with the author claiming Ahmed Mohamed, the 14-year-old Texas teenag...

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