LOL, $15 an hour and they can't remember if you ordered an egg McMuffin or a 
sausage McMuffin.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Saturday, October 3, 2015 10:28 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just For the Record

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

On 10/03/2015 08:01 PM,awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:


---In,<steve.sundur@...> wrote :

I really don't think this is the case.
Most gunowners, I mean the vast majority, keep them at homefor protection.  
Conceal andcarry permits are pretty rare.
When you thinkabout it though, when has society not been in roughshape?
I guess thesemass shootings are a new development, so perhapsthat is thecase.
What Iam saying, Steve, is that the apparent runawaytrain of gun ownership and 
lethal gun use onfellow human beings seems to be tied to the stateof our 
society where absurdly rich existgeographically within spitting distance of 
thosewho can't afford a decent meal (I was listening toNPR tonight driving home 
from work and there wasan interview where they were talking about thewealthy in 
Manhattan whose net income per yearwas, on average, 120K and just a 25 minute 
commuteaway in the Bronx were folks who made, on average$20K per annum). This 
creates a problem. Thiscreates the potential for violence. This can makepeople 
crazy with resentment, with need and thenplace a gun in their hands and all 
bets are off.Threatening becomes easy. Killing becomes morelikely than not 

Perhaps then we need a maximum wage if we're going to have a minimumwage.  For 
about the last 25 years it's been "see how much money youcan accumulate.  He 
with the most bucks wins."

Maybe, but in our current system (capitalism) that might be a bit hard to 
implement. On the other hand, I hear in America some politicians are gunning 
for a $15/hr minimum wage. Good.

Sowhen you say "the vast majority keep them at homefor protection." then you 
agree with what my pointwas!  This is what I'm saying. Too many feel theyneed 
protection from the threat from their fellowcitizens, their (geographically 
speaking)neighbors, for crying out loud! And why would thisbe? I think there 
are a multitude of reasons butthe disparity in economic conditions 
betweenAmericans is one of them, for sure.

---In,<awoelflebater@...> wrote :

But, suchhigh profile mass shootings are bound tocreate media hyper ventilation 
and theresulting outrage and lamenting iscontinuously ignited by these 
relativelycommon occurrences in schools, movietheaters and elsewhere. It is a 
subjectthat deserves attention because it alsoindicates something deeper - is 
abarometer for other social diseaserampant in (in this case) the US. Gunsseem 
to accompany fear and rage andmental illness but not necessarily inall cases 
when their use is against aneighbor, a classroom, an employer. Theneed to own 
guns, to have them handyat all times, is an indicator or asociety in rough 
shape. When you can't feel safe unlessyou have a gun in your possession 
itpoints to economic reasons as well.Drug addiction, poverty, lack ofresources 
can lead citizens to assumethey can take what they need at thepoint of a gun, 
for example. Whole cityblocks and blocks of substandard livingconditions or 
millions of peoplescraping by all over America aretestimony to the sorry state 
of oursociety. Even the vehemence with whichgun lovers defend their (and by 
defaulteveryone's) right to own and carry a gunis based in fear and a distorted 
ideathat to change the Constitution withregard to gun ownership rights 
wouldsomehow be un-American or evensacrilegious. This whole gun issuereveals 
far more than just how peoplefeel about arms.

---In,<awoelflebater@...> wrote :

More than 10,000 Americans arekilled every year by gun violence. Bycontrast, so 
few Americans have beenkilled by terrorist attacks since 9/11that when you 
chart the two together,the terrorism death count approximateszero for every 
year except 2001. Thiscomparison, if anything, understatesthe gap: Far more 
Americans die everyyear from (easilypreventable) gun suicides thangun 
homicides.The point Obama is making isclear: We spend huge amounts of 
moneyevery year fighting terrorism, yet areunwilling, at the national level, 
totake even minor steps (like requiringbackground checks on all gun 
salesnationally) to stop gun violence.

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