LOL! Yep! We still have that here.  About 9-10 dollars for a ticket, another 
9-10 bucks or more for a soda and popcorn and 20 minutes to 30 minutes of 
commercials and previews. I leave the theater exhausted. I used to go to movies 
frequently years ago but hardly ever now.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 8:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just For the Record

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

This is an example of a non right/leftissue.  It's newspaper owners holding on 
to a business model thatwent out of style in the 21st century.  Those with 
vision shiftedto their central distribution to Internet.  It's a problem 
thoughto monetize it.  You can have online subscriptions as we now havea new 
local weekly that does both paper and online.  They charge asubscription for 
both but you can still read the online versionfor the moment free. Their 
website is responsive designed so itworks both well on desktops and mobile.  
That's not hard to doanymore with the frameworks available.

Online advertising is another problem.  Companies like Google pushinterstitials 
(full screen ads) because they can charge more forthem but people just dismiss 
them or if they lock up their mobiledevice (which they can do) they won't visit 
that site again.  Iread recently in Advertising Age that businesses are 
findingtargeted advertising not worth the price either (thank God!). Some sites 
decry ad blockers and I think why not just embed the adanyway since the only 
real use of cookies is for targeted ads.Yahoo embeds ads so you still see some 
even with an ad blocker on.

The other thing Google and ad services were pushing is video ads. Don't you 
just hate those? There comes a point where you annoy apotential customer enough 
they won't buy your product .... ever.
There was a trend for a while there where movie goers had to endure car ads and 
all sorts of other commercials before the features. This was about 4-5 years 
ago in Canada, I think, when this started. Now that was enough to piss me off. 
Pay $15 for a movie ticket, $6 for a large popcorn, $4 for Peanut M & M's and 
God only knows what for a soft drink and then they make you sit through 4 or 5 
commercials? Eff that. I haven't noticed commercials like this lately though, 
but maybe that's because I try and go to my small independent little town 
cinema as much as I can and they only show previews before the feature.

On 10/04/2015 08:43 AM, Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@...[FairfieldLife] wrote:

  Partof my reasoning is value. I used to buy a HoustonChronicle every morning 
at a local Walgreens. The pricehas gone up from a dollar a day to a dollar 
fifty,Monday thru Friday. I have reluctantly tolerated it eventhough I'm 
guaranteed a heavy dose of liberalism day today. However, the Saturday and 
Sunday paper recentlywent up to three dollars and I decided  that it 
wasn'tworth it. I stopped buying it on those days but I wasn'tthe only one! 
Now, the stack of papers just sit there onthe weekend. Nobody, or at least, 
virtually nobody, buysthe Saturday or Sunday paper anymore. It's over 
priced.Now the delivery person has to remove them and take themback on Mondays 
with no money earned on those days. I'vechecked other stores and found pretty 
much the sameresults. Why pay three bucks when I can read the news online? Why 
pay a dollar fifty? That's just a bad habitI'll probably address soon.Poor news 
paper deliveryperson.

 From:"awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]"<> 
Sent:Sunday, October 4, 2015 8:52 AM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just For the Record

---In,<emily.mae50@...> wrote :

Areyou prejudiced towards fast foodworkers in general or justMcDonald's 
employees?  What are yourassumptions about people who work atMickeyD's? 
Idon't quite understand Mike'sreasoning here. Who eats atMcDonalds? Poor 
people, richpeople, people who just want topay less for a burger? If you 
aretruly paying less for a burgerthen how do you think that cancome about? 
Hint: you have to cutcosts. What is the easiest way tocut costs? Pay your 
employeesless. Is your $3 hamburger worthit knowing others don't make aliving 
wage? I don't eat atMcDonalds - never have for a wholelot of reasons but if I 
did Iwould like to think the staff werenot the equivalent of 
indenturedservants. It's a bit the chickenand the egg. If you can't makeenough 
money to live beyond thepoverty level by working atMcDonalds than what person 
wouldchoose to work there? I'll tellyou. Those who either don't havethe 
education or experience orluck to find a better paying job,that's who. So when 
Mike says theydon't know their McNuggets fromtheir milkshakes there is a 
goodreason for that if that is, infact, a true statement.,<mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

If you're going topay fifteen an hour , youhave a right to expect morefrom your 
employee, probablymore than many averageMcDonalds employee arecapable of 
giving. Mightrequire some *focused*attention. Of course, if youare more 
efficient andaccomplishing more, you'llneed fewer workers to assistyou. Which 
means fewer jobs.A higher wage may mean morefor you but it also meansmore from 
you.If someonecomplains about their eightdollar an hour job now, waittill they 
have a fifteendollar an hour job.

 From: "awoelflebater@...[FairfieldLife]"<>
Sent:Saturday, October 3,2015 11:16 PM
Subject:Re: [FairfieldLife]Re: Just For theRecord,<mdixon.6569@...>wrote :

LOL,$15 an hourand they can'tremember ifyou ordered anegg McMuffinor a 

So,you apparentlyfrequentMcdonalds.Then youshould bewilling to paythe labor 
abarely livingwage for yourcheap meal. Ormaybe thatcheap mealwill cost abit 
more'cause the f!ast foodoutlet willhave to paytheiremployeesmore. Thatcould be 
ahardship foryou, Mike. 
  From: "awoelflebater@...[FairfieldLife]"<>
Sent:Saturday,October 3,2015 10:28 PM
Subject:Re:[FairfieldLife]Re: Just Forthe Record,<noozguru@...>wrote :

On10/03/201508:01 PM,awoelflebater@...[FairfieldLife]wrote:


---In,<steve.sundur@...>wrote :

Ireally don'tthink this isthe case.
Mostgunowners, I meanthe vastmajority, keepthem at homeforprotection.  
Concealandcarry permitsare prettyrare.
Whenyou thinkabout itthough, whenhas societynot been inroughshape?
Iguess thesemass shootingsare a newdevelopment,so perhapsthatis thecase.
WhatIam saying,Steve, is thatthe apparentrunawaytrain of gunownership andlethal 
gun useonfellow humanbeings seemsto be tied tothe stateof our societywhere 
absurdlyrich existgeographicallywithinspittingdistance ofthosewho can'tafford 
adecent meal (Iwas listeningtoNPR tonightdriving homefrom work andthere wasan 
interviewwhere theywere talkingabout thewealthy inManhattanwhose netincome 
peryearwas, onaverage, 120Kand just a 25minute commuteaway in theBronx 
werefolks whomade, onaverage$20K perannum). Thiscreates aproblem. Thiscreates 
thepotential forviolence. Thiscan makepeople crazywithresentment,with need 
andthenplace a gun intheir handsand all betsare off.Threateningbecomes 
easy.Killingbecomes morelikely thannot killing. 

Perhaps thenwe need amaximum wageif we're goingto have aminimumwage.  Forabout 
the last25 years it'sbeen "see howmuch money youcanaccumulate. He with themost 

Maybe,but in ourcurrent system(capitalism)that might bea bit hard toimplement. 
Onthe otherhand, I hearin Americasomepoliticiansare gunningfor a $15/hrminimum 

Sowhen you say"the vastmajority keepthem at homeforprotection."then you 
agreewith what mypointwas!  This iswhat I'msaying. Toomany feel 
theyneedprotectionfrom thethreat fromtheir 
fellowcitizens,their(geographicallyspeaking)neighbors, forcrying outloud! And 
whywould thisbe? I thinkthere are amultitude ofreasons butthe disparityin 
economicconditionsbetweenAmericans isone of them,for sure.

---In,<awoelflebater@...>wrote :

But,suchhigh profilemass shootingsare bound tocreate mediahyperventilationand 
theresultingoutrage andlamenting iscontinuouslyignited 
bytheserelativelycommonoccurrences inschools, movietheaters andelsewhere. Itis 
a subjectthat deservesattentionbecause italsoindicatessomethingdeeper - is 
abarometer forother socialdiseaserampant in (inthis case) theUS. Gunsseem 
toaccompany fearand rage andmental illnessbut notnecessarily inall cases 
whentheir use isagainst aneighbor, aclassroom, anemployer. Theneed to ownguns, 
to havethem handyat all times,is anindicator or asociety inrough shape. 

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