Actually, I've witnessed firsthand our own invasion of *undocumented 
migrants*and seen the problems they cause in  my own country and community with 
the added crime and strain on an already strained social system. I'm also aware 
of some of the problems faced in Europe with a potentially far more dangerous 
scenario  and far worse consequences. It is the height of stupidity to invite 
people into your own home that you know nothing about, especially if those 
people come from a very troubled back ground. Try inviting a a few street 
people into your own home, with or without vetting them. Leave and go to work 
while they are guests in your own home if you're so trusting and compassionate. 
Even Maharishi said there has to be a *balance* between the heart and the mind.

      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 8:46 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Germans in panic!

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Oh little Orphan Annie, Nazism was a political movement in Germany that not 
enough German people stood up against. Once the Nazis were in power, it was too 
late to do anything but go with the program, or else. And yes, once the Nazis 
seized control of Germany, they invaded the rest of Western and Eastern 
Europe.It's not just Syrian refugees forcing their way into Europe but people, 
mostly military aged men, from all over the Middle East and even more from 
Northern Africa.Some  probably have nothing but good intentions and others not 
so good. The one thing they will almost all have is that they bring their 
Muslim religion and culture and they don't assimilate into the culture where 
they go. They will start with the demand to be separate but equal and then 
demand to be  a protected minority. They will expect Europeans to adopt their 
cultural demands. Already, European women get harassed in their own countries 
for not dressing *appropriately* near a Muslim community. They demand Sharia 
law supersede European law when it applies to them and soon, when it applies to 
them in conflict with non- Muslims.They are pretty much at the forefront of the 
reemergence of Antisemitism in Europe. They will not be tolerant of any 
criticism of them, their culture or their religion. Trouble is on the way. It's 
already there and only going to get worse. Part of the creed of Islam is that 
once a nation comes under the control of Muslims it must always be Muslim and 
every Muslim on earth has a duty to protect it, even with force, as Muslim. 
This is how Islam has spread for 1300 years. They don't give a damn about your 
liberalism, multiculturalism, tolerance  etc. They only take advantage of it.So 
no, you are too old to need a Burqa but the generations that follow just might 
because you have to prove how open minded,liberal and evolved you are.But not 
to worry too much. We haven't played cowboys and Muslims yet. They try that 
shit here, there will be some serious ethnic cleansing. Better and wiser to 
prevent it in the first place. Heyam Dukham Anagatam.

You seem like the glass is half empty kind of guy. I don't live like that. You 
are assuming an awful lot about these refugees based on some militant Muslims 
you have read about in books and seen on the telly. I thought this whole 
conversation started out discussing the plight of the Syrian immigrants 
sweating, dying and busting their humps trying to find a way to safety and all 
of a sudden you are comparing them to the Nazis. If you don't mind, I have to 
go watch a Jerry Lewis/Dean Martin movie - it might make more sense than this 
conversation.  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 5:01 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Germans in panic!

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Think about it. You were the one that initiated the Arbeiten Macht  Frei 
comment. How does it relate?The German people didn't try to stop the Nazi take 
over of their country,they either embraced it or didn't want to resist it or 
felt powerless to and the rest is history. If you haven't gathered yet, I'm 
comparing the invasion of Islam through- out Europe to the Nazis invasion. They 
will not have the liberal attitude of *live and let live* that Europeans are 
accustom to.They never have and never will. Your naivete of the very nature of 
Islam is mind boggling! It won't be them going through ethnic cleansing, it 
will be Europeans in their own lands! Heyam Dukham Anagatam!

Mikey, Mikey, Mikey. You are talking as if Nazi's were foreign invaders of some 
kind, that they were citizens of another country who embraced a different 
religion and who were of a different ethnicity than, wait for it, Germans. It 
was the fellow German citizens, neighbors, friends, lovers, brothers, sisters, 
mothers, fathers, school teachers who embraced Nazism, not some immigrant 
fleeing war and unrest in their own country. The Nazi movement was made up of 
fellow Germans; it was a cancer that grew up and exploded in the very country 
where it originated. There was no "Nazi invasion"in the physical sense that 
outsiders came pounding on the German door from some other culture, some other 
religion. What is mind boggling is your attempt to compare the recent Syrian 
refugee crisis to "the Nazi invasion". 
  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 10:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Germans in panic!

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

Taking measurements on that burqua? Well, you won't need one and since you 
don't have any kids, you have nothing to be concerned about. Must be nice to 
live in your own little isolated world. I guess had you lived in Nazi Germany, 
you would have been one of those Germans unconcerned about what was happening 
to your neighbors, *just don't bother me.*

If you will note, those phobic women talking all smug on the video weren't old 
enough to live in Nazi Germany either.
With regard to your comment about me being (in your imaginary scenario) an 
"unconcerned" neighbor during WW2 while my fellow Germans (and one prominent 
Austrian) slaughtered millions of their fellow Germans how in the world does 
that relate? The situation bears no relationship to the current immigrant 
migration into Germany or the reactions of the 'Deutschland uber alles' 
attitude of the two ignoramuses commenting on the video.

  From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 8:52 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Germans in panic!

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

This is how Islam takes over a country and it's culture.They will demand that 
their  religious and cultural rights be secured. Then they will want their 
culture and religion imposed on the non believers to protect themselves from 
abuse. This is how it has happened for 1300 years. If there is no resistance, 
they always win.

Don't worry Mike, if things get "bad" enough the Germans are about the last 
ones I'd want to f--- with. Think gas chambers and "work camps" where Arbeiten 
Macht Frei ... And, that was against those pesky culture-threatening gays, 
gypsies, Catholics, Jews and all those with the wrong color eyes skin or hair. 
Just think of the impetus behind ridding their country of Muslims if it came 
down to it!
  From: "hepa7@... [FairfieldLife]" <>
 Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 7:24 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Germans in panic! - German Citizens Panic "This is Our Future" As Muslims March 
Through City
|  |
|  |     |  | - German Citizens Panic "This is Our F... A new 
video appears to show Islamists marching in the German city of Hannover while 
at least two girls look on and express their fears. |  |
|    View on www.livele...  |   Preview by Yahoo  |
|  |


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