Thanks, do Quakers pray for the dead?
  Generally, Evangelical's don't since their Bible-based belief is that people 
are judged immediately after physical death and go either to Heaven or Hell. 
Catholics OTOH, allow and encourage (especially when paying for Masses)  
prayers for the dead since according to Tradition, Souls may also ascend to 
Purgatory and they may be stuck there indefinitely (until their span of 
suffering expires and/or they are assisted by the prayers of the living to gain 
entrance into Heaven).
 . St. Teresa of Avila claimed to bear witness to where Souls went after death, 
and proclaimed that few such Souls gain immediate entrance into Heaven.  St. 
Padre Pio also made the same statement.
 So, when you hear about somebody dying, take note of what people are saying 
about the afterlife. Example: Evangelicals will say something like "our prayers 
are with the family of the deceased".  While Catholics like the Pope will say 
"our prayers are for the deceased and his/her family".  According to 
Evangelical beliefs, prayers for the dead are pointless since they're already 
judged and sent to Heaven or Hell.   

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