I have studied Islam in two different courses in college. One comparative 
religions and the other Eastern studies. Both courses were studied looooong 
before there was any modern day Islamic terrorism, long before there was any 
negativity associated with it in public opinion. While Islamic culture has had 
it's share of positive influences in the world community, the religion it's 
self has almost always been spread by force. One of the basic tenets of Islam 
is *Submission*,willingly or by *the sword*. As it moves into a region, it's 
intentions are expressed as peace, love and justice as long as Muslims are a 
small minority, only seeking tolerance. As acceptance grows, they become more 
demanding. As they become a majority, they lose their tolerance of others and 
demand submission to them. Hindus were among the first to resist the spread of 
Islam but not until there had been a massive take over of their part of the 
world and destruction of Sanatana Dharma where they had conquered. India used 
to be from Afghanistan to the  eastern Himalaya. Islam's spread was stopped in 
southern India before they could destroy the ancient temples in the south.  It 
was resisted in Europe at Turkey and Spain but not without a lot of bloodshed. 
So yes, I have studied Islam to some degree, a little more than most people and 
from a religious and historical perspective. You seem to have *studied* what 
Muslims want you to believe and not all of the facts. There is a principal in 
Islam, I forget the word they use, but it allows a Muslim to lie to Infidels if 
that lie advances Islam. In other words, Islam shall spread  by hook or by 
crook and if need be by the sword! The tolerance you show them will never be 
shown to you once they have the power and dominance they seek. Hayam Dhukam 

      From: "awoelfleba...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Sunday, December 6, 2015 8:38 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Normal Muslims

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

It's kind of interesting. The NBC news tonight kept referring to the two 
terrorists, Sayed Farook and Tashfeen Malik as being described as *normal 
religious Muslims*. BINGO! So, how are all of these new 10,000 plus refugees 
going to be vetted?Just wondering who vetted Malik.

Watch the link Barry 2 posted just now.  And while you're at it, read up on the 
Muslim faith.  #yiv8544278265 #yiv8544278265 -- #yiv8544278265ygrp-mkp 
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