Trump is TeaBag 2.0.  The GOP got in this situation themselves when they 
decided they are not a party of principle.  They are lobbying and business 
governance entity which manipulates its message to attract whatever will get 
them enough votes to get in.  Their main purpose is keeping a populace ignorant 
and consuming while that same populace loses its freedom at the expense of 
business needs.  In the 80's it was the Reagan fantasy that we can be great 
again.  In the 90's it was the Newt vision of "we're the adults, let us be in 
charge".  Under GW it was be afraid because (fill in the blank) they are coming 
to get us.  The rise of the Tea Party was an usurp populice movement that was 
more or less a Tupperware Party put on by the Koch Brothers and friends that 
made intolerance and lack of cooperation at the expense of progress a virtue.  
Now, with Trump, we got someone from the business world like Romney who isn't 
afraid to hide his stupidity or his hatred.

I am so glad he is running and on the GOP side of things.  It really shows how 
bankrupt the party has become in moral fiber, vision, and concern for the 
country as a whole.  Divide, divide, divide.  I think the world is a little 
worried because they have seen how Congress has done nothing the past 5 years.  
A Trump presidency (spit!) would be more of the same on global scale.

How's that John Galt thing working out?

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