Well, the answer from many of Trump's detractors is, If we'll just be nice to 
them, they won't be so hostile to us. People in the media are already blaming 
Americans for the hostility of the terrorists. They said we drove them to it. 
Had Farook's co-workers been nicer to him, he might not have done what he did. 
Again a work-place violence situation. To hell with the notion that this was 
well planned out and they had been radicalized long before.
Trump may or may not be a bigot. However, he is very blunt and doesn't hold 
back and that gets people excited one way or another. People either love him or 
hate him. He sucks up all the oxygen in the room. Nobody is talking about 
Hillary, Bernie Sanders, Bush, Rubio etc. The news media is entirely focused on 
Trump. Every time he says something, they say, *that's it! He'll never get away 
with that, He's done for now* and all of the sudden everybody is talking about 
what he said. He gets people talking about things that he wants to talk about. 
He's getting all of this publicity and doesn't have to spend a dime. The other 
candidates would be spending tens of millions , if not more, to get equal time 
in the press.
Trump is very smart and clever. He's playing his political foes and the media 
like a fiddle. The Republican establishment hate him with a passion, yet if he 
threatens to run on a third party ticket, he'll take a lot of votes with him, 
both Republican and independent..


   From: "s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com>
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2015 8:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Trump Wants to Ban Muslims from Entering the US
    Yes Trump is a wild card alright.
BBC Radio were today comparing Trump's style to Peter Finch's rant in Network.
The problem for those who oppose Trump (most everyone) is that they have no 
answer to the issue of Islamic radicalisation and the regular terrorist 
atrocities that innocent, peaceful citizens are having to endure.
Instead of just dismissing Trump as a bigot (which he probably is) I'd 
appreciate some positive and credible policy initiatives that will tackle the 
threat we face. I'll be waiting a long time as liberals have no answers. That's 
the really scary thing and not a right-wing populist speech by a presidential 
Howard Beale Rant - Network 
|    |
|    |        |    |       Howard Beale Rant - Network  This is one of my all 
time favorite scenes from any movie - Peter Finch as Howard Beale is absolutely 
electrifying. What is chilling to me is how pertinent h...    |    |
|      View on www.youtube.com         |    Preview by Yahoo    |
|    |


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