---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <no_re...@yahoogroups.com> wrote :


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <steve.sundur@...> wrote :

 Good nuance.  Good comparison.

 A Caliphate? So the TMO is a social system grounded in ancient literature? 
Yep, that's a fine comparison.

 I maintain that brain waves are real and affect one's environment.

 No one would argue that brain waves are real, but affecting the environment? 
Not even the TMO is claiming that.

 Of course they are. 

 No they aren't! They are claiming that they affect the fundamental level of 
nature not brainwaves, it's their "unified field technology" that they are 
claiming is affecting your brain, not other people's thoughts.

 Huh? My definition of "the environment" is obviously broader than yours. To 
me, the environment is anything outside my body and that includes the unified 
field as well as "the fundamental level of nature". I didn't say brain waves 
effect brain waves although they do that as well as effect every other single 
thing in "the environment". I also was not initially talking about the ME, I 
was responding to Steve's assertion that "I maintain that brain waves are real 
and affect one's environment." You are the one who extrapolated the ME.

 If the brain waves of TM'ers are supposedly more coherent and life supporting 
(I have doubts about that) then the MMY effect comes (supposedly) into play and 
effects what others think and do. That is "the environment".

  We can measure electrical activity in brains easily but you have to attach 
some sensitive electrodes directly to the scalp to do it. These signals are in 
the brain, if they could travel outside it would be easy to measure them 
because we already know the frequencies. 

 All waves, all activity is energy. All energy has force and it could be 
measured if we had the tools. As long as there is energy there is movement. If 
radio waves and all sorts of micro waves can be emitted and sent long or short 
distances through the atmosphere then brain waves are also doing the same 
thing. Even the beating of ones heart has some ability to be heard and felt 
outside of the body.

 I can't help you with your scientific illiteracy.

 Haha, says he who sees himself as Einstein's protege.

  But as your heart can be heard outside of your body a lot easier than your 
brainwaves can then maybe the Marshy Effect is caused by the slowing down of 
people's hearts being heard across warzones. Hmm, yes. That makes sense.

 My point was not anywhere near what you are twisting or simply not sharp 
enough to understand. My point was that even an unseen almost silent organ in 
the body, the heart, has measurable sound and movement - has energy - that can 
be measured outside the body thus it has an effect on the environment just as 
brain waves (not the ME) are forms of energy and like microwaves or radio waves 
travel outward and, if you have the right receiving instruments, create a sound 
or a picture or, more generally, an effect on that environment. Your blather 
about war zones and hearts is just your usual pig headed refusal to interact 
civilly with those you don't like.

 But we can't and that isn't what they are claiming, the Marshy Effect is 
supposed to work on some sort of "unified field" that connects all things via 
our consciousness. Convenient that it seems to be an unmeasurable phenomena, or 
am I unreasonable in expecting a physical basis to claims for the physical 

 Having an effect on a unified field doesn't mean the force, the energy of the 
brain waves are not somehow hitting outer atmosphere ie being felt outside of 
the brain and body. Sheesh.

 Sheesh what? This sentence makes no sense. But it interests me that the TMO 
publicity machine seems to have had it's way in how it relies on people's 
ignorance of physics history and understanding of forces and effects. It's 
their oldest method of working, use a few vaguely familiar sciencey-sounding 
phrases and use them to piggyback their own beliefs and hope you won't be able 
to tell the difference.

 Remember, I wasn't initially talking about the ME, I was responding to Steve's 
comment at the beginning of this post. You started talking about the ME. I 
don't care about that. What I care about and believe is that all matter has 
energy and, in addition, if you have brain waves they, too, have/are energy and 
when you have energy you have "an effect".

 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.   

 I maintain that any body or an object with mass emits waves of some kind.

 Why on Earth would you want to maintain that?

 Because he is right, they do.


 Where we go beyond that, I don't know.

 And yes, I believe celestial objects fall in to this somewhere.

 We are free to believe what we like. The TMO are trying to make money by 
claiming an actual physical effect. Still, I guess your response answers my 
question about who the letter was aimed at....

 You're such a curmudgeon.

 Why? Someone has to stand up for reality. People like Steve who don't have a 
grounding in science are the intended recipients of this stuff. They'll bleed 
him dry if they get the chance.

 Well, Steve doesn't seem bled dry by now so it is unlikely to happen. In fact, 
Steve is probably one of the few people on this forum that has what I would 
call a normal and balanced life. He actually has a family, runs a successful 
business and seems kind and considerate. I wouldn't worry about having to save 
him from the TM Movement. LOL


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