And I was paying for the lessons too! (Yes, I did tread on her feet on one or 
two occasions, I think.)

---In, <awoelflebater@...> wrote :


---In, <> wrote :

 All this enthusiasm for dancing is putting me in quite a tizz. I do not dance. 
II once took ballroom dancing lessons for about four months, but I found that 
it took a long time for a message from my brain to reach my feet, by which time 
the music had moved on. It didn't help either that I had a partner who from 
time to time, as I was clumsily maneuvering her around the floor, would say, 
"Feste, I'm bored." Wimmin!

 Hee, hee. Feste, even you could dance as well as that wild flash mob in the 
town square there. 
 And, I would have thought your dance partner wouldn't have been bored, she 
would have been too busy avoiding your feet!

---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Contra Dancing too in Fairfield, Iowa 

 Contra Dance Flash Mob Fairfield, IA, video #1

Contra Dance Flash Mob Fairfield, IA, video #1
 Contra Dance Flash Mob Fairfield, IA, video #1 Contra dance flash mob in 
Fairfield, IA at the May 2014 Artwalk.

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---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Square Dancing itself has really taken hold in meditating Fairfield, Iowa as a 
subset.  Club square dancing in America generally has been in long decline but 
what has happened is a marvel that square dancing has erupted [revived] more 
recently in Fairfield as a vehicle of social interaction. The rote form seems 
to appeal to the white collar demographic within the meditating community.    

 An aspect different here from larger [anonymous] urban America now is that 
Fairfield, Iowa meditators are a recognizable community in their own way.  
Meditators as a group have a communal demographic in a way that America is not 
as communal as it may have been earlier in the 20th Century whence square 
dancing was integral to rural social fabrics.   

 FairfieldSquareDance Square dance 
activities in Fairfield iowa including classes, dances, and general information

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---In, <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote :

 Well yes,  there is a lot of community dancing in Fairfield, Iowa.  Has been 
from way back in the meditating community.
 It appeals to the communal arts of music and dance in meditating Fairfield.  

 Was a big social thing that was hosted on campus for years until they started 
removing people's Dome meditation badges that included/ allowed meditators in 
to the group meditations and movement meetings.  With their administration 
[exclusion] of old meditators from the Domes and campus events the music and 
dancing of the larger meditating community moved off campus from those times.  

 Fairfield Folk Arts & Dance Co-op |
 Fairfield Folk Arts & Dance Co-op | Bare Necessities Bare 
Necessities Peter Barnes, Earl Gaddis, Mary Lea & Jacqueline Schwab, with 
Joseph Pimentel, Caller Advanced English ...

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 More Fairfield data:


---In, <> wrote :

 Square dancing recently became popular, for reasons that entirely escape me. 

---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :

 No barn dances?



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